The Trouble With Energy - Part 2.

Part 1 can be found here. This series of posts will be co-authored by phoenix, who is an Engineer heavily involved in the energy sector. It will be based on a submission we made recently to the Australian Government. Obviously, projections of this type are difficult. This is an attempt to provide a model for this kind of projection. We then use the model to provide some insights into just how hard the conversion will be for Australia.

How Much Time Do We Have?

Since Australia has one of the largest per capita endowments of energy resources, it is easy to be lulled into a false security that this benefit will last forever. This impression is boosted by quoted production vs. demand figures exceeding 100 years. The reality of our energy security is not so rosy.

As discussed above, most production vs. resource figures are established by assuming a continuation of the current demand or extraction rate. While this may be a reasonable methodology for determination of the life of a mine or the value of the resource it is patently false for determination of our overall resource security. Demand rates for all of our energy resources are climbing year by year.

The paradigm of continually increasing growth driven by an increasing population and an expectation of improving standards of living demands a continuing increase in production of our natural resources. The following table shows Australia’s major non renewable energy resources together with their expected life calculated on this basis.

Coal Oil(inc
all liquids)
Gas Uranium
Unit Million Tonnes Billion Litres Billion M3 Tonnes
Base Year 2006 2005 2006 2005
Resource 39,600 668 3022 1,143,000
Production 405 42 42 12,360
Growth Rate 4.0% 2.0% 2.1% 4.7%
Life Expected 47 years 14 years 47 years 46 years
Resource Exhausted 2053 2019 2053 2051

Sources:          Australian Coal Association

                        Australian Coal Industry

                        GeoSciences Australia

                        BP World Energy

                       UIC - Australian Uranium and who buys it.

                       IAEA &OECD-NEA Uranium 2005 Production and Demand

Note 1: All of the above numbers including growth rates have been established from  the recognised sources listed above. Long term growth rates have been used and the last two years data excluded from the information as these would have skewed the rates to an even higher level.

Note 2: The quantity of gas resources was increased by a nominal 20,000 PJ to take into account newly identified CSM resources.  The exact magnitude of this resource could not be firmly established from published data.

The above calculations take no account of the effects that EROEI will have on net energy recovered.  As we approach the bottom of the resource barrel for each of the fuels EROEI will have two effects: 

  1. The net energy liberated will decrease and the consumption rate will skyrocket.
  2. The exponential aspect of EROEI means that once the problem of energy cost of extraction and refining really kicks in there will be very little time remaining for the resource to provide usable net energy.

Of course there will be continual additions to the current proven reserves that will have the potential to extend the above calculated life expectancies.  On the other hand the rest of the world does not have the per capita abundance of energy resources that exist in Australia.  As the world runs short of energy earlier than Australia, there will be increased
pressure, both economic and strategic, for Australia to increase production to meet this shortfall.

The figures quoted above do not take into account any restriction in fuel use as a result of greenhouse gas limitations. The effect of these limitations on global and even domestic consumption rates is entirely subject to political considerations and therefore very difficult to
predict.  As a concession to this effect the usage rate and reserves of brown coal has been removed from consideration in this table.

On balance then the above figures therefore represent a reasonable view of the expected life of our non-renewable energy resources in a business as usual scenario. 

We have until around 2050 to put in place renewable technologies to provide for our energy needs.

Of particular note is the very short timeframe whereby the entire Australian demand for oil will need to be entirely met by foreign imports.  Strategically this represents the greatest challenge. Competing in a global market for a diminishing product will prove very expensive and will in the medium term drive Australia to use a range of conversion technologies to reform coal and gas resources to more valuable liquid forms of energy.  This in turn will further decrease the resource life expectancies for these other fuels.

The size of the task

In order to establish the time required to put in place renewable sources for energy supply, it is necessary to make assumptions with regard to the infrastructure that needs to be constructed. This is a very difficult task given that much of the technology is in a developmental phase.  Picking winners is not easy and frequently not wise.  We can however, by taking an average developmental cost for a range of possible technologies, be fairly confident about the expected developmental and implementation effort and time required. 

The following table represents one possible scenario in respect of the conversion of demand from fossil based energy to renewables.  The table indicates both a growth in demand up to the year 2050 and the effects in energy efficiency terms of conversion from one form of energy base to an alternate renewable source.

Possible Scenario for conversion of Energy Demand to Renewable
Energy uses
Current Growth Usage 2050 PJ/y Renewable Conversion
(Non- electricity based) Source Usage PJ/y Rate   Source Efficiency Gain Usage 2050 PJ/y
Agriculture Oil 101 1.2% 164 Biofuels -33% 218
Mining Oil 97 2.5% 267 Electricity 60% 107
  Gas 149 2.5% 410 Electricity 10% 369
Industry/Commerce Oil 179 2.5% 491 Electricity 10% 442
  Gas 464 2.5% 1277 Electricity 10% 1149
Road Transport Personal Oil 866 0.0% 866 Electricity 60% 346
Road Transport Goods Oil 297 2.5% 818 Biofuels -33% 544
          Electricity 70% 123
Public Transport Oil 28 7.0% 449 Electricity 70% 135
Rail Transport Oil 26 5.0% 188 Electricity 70% 57
Air Transport Oil 219 0.0% 219 Biofuels -33% 292
Water Transport Oil 55 2.5% 151 Biofuels -33% 201
Products Oil 82 2.5% 225 Biofuels -33% 299
Heating Oil 5 1.2% 8 Electricity 60% 3
  Gas 187 1.2% 305 Electricity 60% 122
Metal smelting Coal 264 2.5% 727 Electricity 20% 581
Electrical demand   792 2.5% 2180 Electricity 0% 2180
Sub-total Electricity             5122
Sub-total Biofuels             1553
Total   3809   8745     6675


1/ The basis of GDP growth has been assumed to be a very modest 2.5% p.a..  This value is below general governmental economic policy.  The authors believe that, even this low level of growth is difficult, given the energy constraints that will be place on the Australian and world economies.  However, in order for energy policy to be in line with other government policy the 2.5% figure has been retained.

2/ In line with other analysis described in this paper the energy demand forecast has been kept in direct proportion to the projected GDP figures for all industry and commercial based energy uses.

3/ Population related energy uses have been kept in line with Australia’s current 1.2% p.a. population increase rate.

4/ In anticipation of the dramatic increases in energy pricing the growth figures for personal transport has been forecast at 0%.  As a complimentary allowance the growth in public transport has been increased to 7%.  The balance between these growth numbers represents a reasonable transference of energy use between these two categories.

5/ Again in anticipation of the effects of high energy costs the level of air transport growth has been limited to 0% and correspondingly the rate of growth in rail transport has been boosted to 5%.

6/ The efficiency gain nominated for all conversions from oil based fuel to biofuels is a loss of 33%.  This represents a nominal loss due to EROEI effects.  It assumes an EROEI for future biofuels of around 3.   Given the current analysis from the USA on ethanol based biofuels this is very optimistic assumption.

7/ The conversion efficiency for most oil to electricity conversions has been assumed to be 70%.  This figure represents a combination of a number of factors including:

  • change in mechanical efficiency between electric and Internal combustion engine drives
  • losses due to transmission and storage of electricity
  • reduction in vehicle weights due to energy cost drivers

8/ No currently viable technology exists for large scale smelting of iron ore using renewable energy sources.  The figures for energy efficiency therefore represent a nominal allowance that this technology when developed will be based on electrically derived heat.

Therefore under this scenario to completely replace Australia’s energy sources with renewables will require the construction of the appropriate infrastructure to produce:
5,122 PJ or 1,423,000 GWHr of electricity and
1,553 PJ or approximately 47,000 megalitres of biodiesel

The cost of the task

With respect to the electrical demand, our future energy requirements will undoubtedly come from a range of renewable sources. These will include hydro, wind, biomass, solar thermal and solar PV. The table below indicates a possible mix of sources and their respective capital construction costs.

Renewable Electricity Generation

  Electricity Generation            
Source Proportion Generation Utilisation Capacity Capital
    GWhr/y   MW $/kW $Billion  
Hydro 10%       
Wind 30%       
Biomass 20%       
Solar Thermal 30%       
Solar PV 10%       

1/ Utilisation factors indicated above should be viewed in the light of the current overall system utilisation of the Australian power generation industry of 56%.  This reflects the relationship between the average working generation capacity and that needed to provide a consistent reliable grid supply. 

2/ Utilisation factors for Solar Thermal and Solar PV are indicative of current technologies in these respective fields with an overlay of system reliability.  While a number of proposals exist for extending the daily range of solar thermal.  While these heat storage technologies may enhance the application of solar thermal they will not significantly alter the capital cost per MW delivered.

3/ The utilisation factor attributed to Wind is probably low by current wind farm development standards which aim for an availability of between 30% and 35%.  This number has been reduced to reflect the fact that in order to achieve the overall output required, wind-farms will need to be developed at locations not currently considered viable.

4/ Utilisation of both Hydro and Biomass have been kept low to recognise that these two technologies will probably fulfil the role of peaking power plant.

The infrastructure required for provision of biofuels will be a significant challenge, hence the limitation of this fuel source for all uses except where it is irreplaceable because of energy density.  The production of biofuels on the scale required is unprecedented.  Production of sugar or grain based ethanol for this volume could not be contemplated.  It appears that the only viable biofuel at this level of production will be production of algal based biodiesel.  Research has indicated that this form of biodiesel production will involve plant capital costs in the region of $8 Million per megalitre of production capacity.  The capital cost of the infrastructure to produce 47,000 ML per year will therefore be
approximately $377 Billion.

The total direct cost of revamping Australia’s energy production infrastructure will be in the order of $2,200 Billion.

Some points to note in respect to this number:

  • Although the cost has been based on a range of assumptions concerning energy technologies, it is unlikely that a different mix of conversions or replacement technologies would greatly affect the bottom line price.
  • The figure quoted only represents the major energy production plant required.  In parallel with this will be a similar cost associated with the changes made by energy users (i.e. electric vehicles, mining and manufacturing  equipment, rail lines, power transmission, etc, etc....)
  • The cost assumes a single transition from the current energy production infrastructure to the final renewable infrastructure.  This won’t happen.  As successive governments are driven by the need to maintain the power on and the fuel tanks full there will be a staged series of interim technologies implemented.  Depending on the quality of vision of political and industry leaders these interim technologies could consume as much or more than the cost indicated for the final conversion.

What can we afford to spend?

Total Australian
GDP is currently around $1070 Billion per year.  This GDP is growing in real terms at a long term average rate of around 3.5%.  A growth rate of 1.2% is required to maintain a stable GDP per capita.

Given the imperative of making the conversion to a renewable energy economy let us look at the outcome if we expend all of the differential GDP growth per capita. This is a considerable  commitment involving the expenditure at current values of 2.3% of GDP or $25 billion per year and will mean that Australians are to spend all of the additional wealth we create on this project for as long as it lasts.

Unfortunately this will only complete the conversion task in around 160 years.  In fact the conversion will never be achieved because the rate of gain in renewables is lower than the forecast increase in consumption.  Clearly, the expenditure required must be re-examined in this light.

Let us assume we expend 5% of the entire Australian GDP on the conversion to renewable energy. This expenditure amounts to $54 Billion (2009 Dollars) per year.  At this rate we will complete the task in around 74 years.  Unfortunately as indicated in the preceding sections we only have around 38 years of proven reserves of fossil fuel energy remaining in the ground.

It could be argued that the progressive conversion of the fossil fuel based economy to renewables will extend life of known reserves and therefore the time we have for conversion.  While this is a valid argument the effect is only marginal.  Only 29% of the fossil fuel energy we extract is used for domestic consumption.  Thus if we immediately commenced a full scale construction program as indicated above we would only extend the available resources out from 2047 to 2049.

As another approach we could elect to undertake the transition in the period dictated by our remaining fossil fuel reserves.  In this case we would need to expend $95 Billion per year or around 9% of GDP to complete the exercise by 2051.  For comparison purposes, during the recent mining boom Australia’s peak expenditure on all engineering/industrial infrastructure was around $60 Billion per year.  The expenditure required on a single industry sector is therefore not possible in any normal economic environment. 

There is no net gain in wealth from this expenditure it is simply replacing the energy infrastructure we already have.  This expenditure would therefore represent a huge erosion of individual wealth.

Obviously none of the options indicated above is acceptable but they indicate the crisis that Australia faces over the coming few decades and the complete error in the premise that Australia has abundant energy resources.

This post has provided a model for evaluating the cost, time and difficulties associated with a transition to alternate and renewable energy infrastructure. Our next post will apply the model to the International situation. We will then discuss solutions.

A fair analysis overall, but I'd take issue with a few things.

The first is the assumption that consumption must increase. There's a lot of scope for efficiencies in our economy. Many states have by a combination of advertising, progressive pricing and advertising significantly dropped their water consumption - domestically, anyway. The same is surely possible for energy.

The second is that the assumption that renewables need to replace fossil fuels one-to-one. This isn't necessarily so. For example, it's well-known that around two-thirds of coal's energy is lost to heat when converting it to electricity. So 100 units of coal-fired generation don't require 100 units of renewables, only 33.

More electrical use lends itself well to certain economies of scale, since transporting people and freight by electric train is a well-established practice, while transporting them by electric vehicle is not so well-established; and electric trains are indifferent to how the electricity was generated.

This I think makes easier the big ask you're making of renewables.


There is no net gain in wealth from this expenditure it is simply replacing the energy infrastructure we already have. This expenditure would therefore represent a huge erosion of individual wealth.

That's one way of presenting it. However, I note that in many public discussions, we find that while renewables, hospitals, schools and railways are called a cost, fossil-fired plants, mines, railways for coal, submarines and the like are called an investment that'll create jobs.

Of course, the truth is that all of those things are both a cost and an investment that'll create jobs. The only reason to mention one and not the other is that you support one bit of spending but not the other.

Fourthly, I do not think it fair to call it a "huge erosion of individual wealth", since after the spending we'd have the infrastructure. If I knock down a rotting old house and build a shiny new one, I am "simply replacing the old [housing] infrastructure" and some may argue I have "no net gain in wealth". But in fact I have a shiny new house. I am in debt, but... I have a shiny new house.

Fifthly, what the essay misses is that we're building new infrastructure to replace the old all the time. Power plants, roads, railways, hospitals, schools, housing and so on wear out. We have to rebuild and replace them. The only question is what we replace them with: something like the old thing, or something new?

So rather than the cost accounting you give here, a better accounting would simply look at how much X amount of renewables would cost compared to X amount of fossil fuel generation, combined with the cost of fuel over the plant's lifecycle. We then find that while the bill is high, it's not as high as this one - and may even be cheaper.

Lastly, the essay ignores the possibility of creating exports. Historically, when countries spend several percent of their GDP on an industry, they get large exports from it. The Big Five spend a lot on arms, but export a lot, too; Denmark spends a lot on wind, but exports a lot, too; China spends a lot on solar, and exports a lot of that.

So it'd be more true to rewrite your conclusion as,

There is no net loss of wealth from this expenditure as it is simply replacing the energy infrastructure we already have. This expenditure would however generate a profitable export industry and jobs for tens of thousands of Australians.

That is as biased as your own conclusion, but contains more of the truth.

Oh, and you missed geothermal as a generation method. I can understand if you say something like, "possible resources are not well-studied so it was excluded from this analysis", but you just failed to mention it at all.

I will take these one at a time.
1/ Agreed, there is the potential for us to improve the energy efficiency of our economy. We have not taken this factor into account in any specific way apart from the forecast growth figure being nominated at 2.5 % compared to the long term GDP growth of 3.5%.
2/The energy replacement efficiencies have been taken into account. You will note that in the conversion table where oil is replaced by electricity the consumption has been discounted by 70%. In the case of fossil fuel based electricity being replaced by renewable electricity the relation is 1:1 because the base is calculated on the electrical energy not the fuel energy.
3&4&6/We wanted to convey the understanding that there would be no direct individual wealth benefit from this expenditure. The user of the electrical power that comes out of the socket does not gain any benefit dependant on the source of that power. We wanted to convey this concept to identify that possible public resistance to the implimentation of renewables.
You are correct that it is possible that wealth could be created by the generation of export oportunities. However, this linkage is quite complex and depends on a number of other inputs. While Australia is pursuing a renewable future the rest of the world is doing the same. With the current state of the renewable industry the pursuit of a large renewable energy increase will be result in much higher inports than it will exports. This is not a pleasent reality but it is the current unfortunate truth.
4/ Again you are correct but the magnetude of the effect is not large. Current expenditure on replacement/refurbishment of existing fossil fuel fired stations only amounts to about $2b per year. Similarly if the growth indicated in the analysis was to be provided by fossil fuels generation it would also amount to less than $2b per year. These are small numers compared to the $90 b that the analysis indicates is required.
5/ No bias against geothermal. As you say the technology is not sufficiently developed so that we are able to get a reasonable stab at the implimentation costs and utilisation.

Thanks for your response.

1) It's something to consider, if only in an appendix. "We could make the transition easier if..."

2) I didn't see the efficiency gain bit, browser formatting issue, the table was a bit wide. I'd quibble with some of the numbers but that's a bit pointless, and anyway only time will tell.

3&4&6) "We wanted to convey the understanding that there would be no direct individual wealth benefit from this expenditure."

As I noted, this only seems to happen with renewables, hospitals and so on. When someone whacks down a road or builds a frigate, we speak of investment, and jobs gained. That is, a direct indiviual wealth benefit. When renewables and the like are built, we speak of "cost" and "loss of wealth."

So building things gives us wealth, unless they're things we disapprove of. No.

4) "Current expenditure on replacement/refurbishment of existing fossil fuel fired stations only amounts to about $2b per year."

You missed "fuelling" them. Any generation system you choose has three basic expenses: building, fuelling and maintaining the things. Let's assume the maintenance for all is about the same. Fuel's not required for renewables, except for biofuels. So that removes a large cost.

How much does it cost Hazelwood to get its coal? How much does it cost Altona to get its gas? Okay, take those annual figures and multiply by 41 for the years till 2050. That adds some billions to the cost. Billions we wouldn't have to spend if we were replacing them with renewables, whose fuel (except for biofuels) is free.

But aren't we talking about fossil fuel depletion here? Won't fossil fuels get more expensive over the next forty years? That puts the cost of BAU up further compared to renewables.

I'd be interested in your sources for the costs of the renewables, too. They're higher than other figures I've seen.

"While Australia is pursuing a renewable future the rest of the world is doing the same."

That's not clear at all. If the rest of the world were doing so, then it's likely the costs of renewables would be much lower than you suggest. Most likely, though, some of the world will do it while some doesn't. If nothing else, the Third World is unlikely to be pumping out gigawatts' worth of solar photovoltaic cells. But they'll still want electricity. If they have demand and we have supply, well there you go, billions in exports.

"With the current state of the renewable industry the pursuit of a large renewable energy increase will be result in much higher inports than it will exports."

That's the "current state" certainly. But it's inconceivable that we could be spending $90 billion annually and not develop some local industry. I suppose we could bollocks it up if we really tried, perhaps hire some ex-GM or AIG executives. But probably we'll do better than that.

"No bias against geothermal. As you say the technology is not sufficiently developed so that we are able to get a reasonable stab at the implimentation costs and utilisation."

This must be my day for people misreading me. I didn't say the technology was undeveloped. It's very well-developed indeed. I said Australia was not well-explored for geothermal resources. You ought to have at least noted this in passing. If you expect to present this to a Senate committee or something, well Senators are not brilliant, but some of them might notice the omission; it's best to deal with questions before they even come up.

If we are going to talk about geothermal and its implementation costs, we need to define which type of geothermal we are talking about :

Traditional geothermal - very well understood, not much available in Oz though plenty in NZ

Low temperature geothermal - pretty well understood, lots available in Oz

High temperature, enhanced / hot fractured rock geothermal - not well understood, lots available in Oz (maybe could meet all our power needs if it works out)


Excellent. Your point is so absolutely correct, that when it is something that consumes energy (autos, trucks, washing machines, hair dryers, Walmarts or McDonalds, they the more built the more "wealth benefit!!

If it is something that produces energy (windmills, PV solar cells, thermal or concentrating solar, etc, then the more built, the less the wealth benefit!!

It is a staggering use of economics to try to justify the current depletion treadmill, that the only way to make money is to turn the world inside out, converting ores and fuels to released carbon and landfill as fast as possible. It is astounding to me that people who understand the problems we face can still go on the attack against any alternative, and do it using the idiotic type of economics discussed above!

Your other point is also well taken: Japan in only a matter of a few years is already slicing fossil energy consumption even before their best new alternative energy technology hits the market. How? Conservation design, lifestyle adjustments and organization and logistical changes are potentially HUGE savers of energy waste. It is WASTE that is the greatest of all enemies. How much heat leaks out of homes and buildings providing no additional comfort, how much fuel is wasted from trucks and autos adding NO extra carrying capacity, performance or range to the vehicle. It is not use that is the enemy it is waste.

Closing exercise for the mathematical type: Go into any modern supermarket grocery, and count the calories (which is energy) in the food in the store. Now count the caloric volume of the packaging in the store. Remove the EXCESS packaging that is only needed to hog shelf space and catch the customers eye...only keep what is needed to hold the product (a simple box or can). We read these hysterical reports of how we are going to starve due to lack of food, and we assume that sometime before we starve, no one will suggest that we remove the packaging!!

It is talking to a closed door....


Don't forget the energy spent heating the supermarket while the open refrigerators cool it down :)

This is sort of an off topic personal rant but one of the things that most annoys me is when I'm at the supermarket and see someone holding the door of the freezer wide open standing there trying to make up their minds which frozen food to purchase. Upon occasion I have asked these people if they have difficulty seeing through the glass door. Invariably I am given a blank or hostile stare.

Of course the fact that they hold the door open causes condensation to build up on the door making it impossible to see through it so the next person comes along and opens it so they can see what is in the cooler.

Maybe there should be timers installed on the doors and you have an energy waste cost added to your frozen item price at the checkout if you keep the door open for more than 10 seconds per item. Maybe some combination of Smart Dust and RFID technology could be used to keep track. No, I'm not serious.

Perhaps that functionality can be added to the new "DataBar" system:

New York Times, June 6, 2009, "The Bar Code Is Taking a Leap Forward"

-- Philip B. / Washington, DC

Kiashu and Thatsit-- You are making a serious error of equating secondary goods with primary goods. If you have a shiny new house (a primary good) you experience that as higher living standard. If you have had to provide a new supply for your electric sockets you don't look out the window at the big generators (secondary goods) and experience a higher standard of living thereby. Indeed you might even be annoyed by the degraded view.

I always like to add to those discussions how much the actual wheat farmer gets paid for the loaf of bread you buy in the supermarket for $1.50. (typically about $0.08)

You missed "fuelling" them. Any generation system you choose has three basic expenses: building, fuelling and maintaining the things. Let's assume the maintenance for all is about the same. Fuel's not required for renewables, except for biofuels. So that removes a large cost.

IMO, this comment points to the reason why some sort of conversion should be tried. It looks like we won't be able to continue fuelling the power plants with conventional methods - costs will rise long before the "fuel" is depleted. So, we think we can keep on the present path, and reject conversion for cost reasons, but cost of conventionals will catch up with us.

However this does not take away from the cost of renewables. They are unaffordable too. In effect we are choosing to go with the option whose cost is hidden instead of the option whose cost is known to be unaffordable.

FYI, Today sees the publication of the 58th edition of the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. The website has not yet been updated but it should be available soon from

Edit to add:
Tony Hayward, the BP CEO, says "...Our data confirms that the world has enough proved reserves of oil, natural gas and coal to meet the world’s needs for decades to come. The challenges the world faces in growing supplies to meet future demand are not below ground, they are above ground. They are human, not geological..."

Dead right, the challenges are HUMAN:-(

"decades" could mean as few as two! It also implies less than century.

How exactly are you defining "wealth"?

"The paradigm of continually increasing growth driven by increasing population and an expectation of improving standards of living -- ".

That paradigm must be changed by addressing the demand side of the equation as well as supply.A good place to start is to have a zero immigration policy and a program to reduce the birth rate.
Population levels are fundamental to resource limits as well as environmental degradation,which includes climate change.
As Kiashu states,there is no mention of geothermal as an energy source neither is nuclear.
The dreaded N word will no doubt raise the usual crys from the people who have an almost religious bias on this subject.

He does mention nuclear - it's included along with coal, oil and gas as "non-renewable" energy.

You are absolutely correct. Perhaps Aeldric and myself should have prefaced this article with a disclaimer. The thrust of the article is to clearly demonstrate that a BAU approach to this problem will simply not work. Lowering or eliminating population growth is probably the most straight forward and in some ways one of the easiest solutions to narrowing the time gap indicated in the analysis

While I accounted for nuclear energy in the analysis of remaining time I did not use nuclear as one of the renewable technologies. In it's current form (once through light water reactors) nuclear is not a solution (either short, medium or long term) from an energy depletion perspective. Future development of Thorium breeder reactors may provide a medium term solution to give us the breathing space to become fully renewable.

"Unfortunately this will only complete the conversion task in around 160 years. In fact the conversion will never be achieved because the rate of gain in renewables is lower than the forecast increase in consumption. Clearly, the expenditure required must be re-examined in this light."

Aeldric I think you have also identified the need for a high EROEI (see post on Part I) to support our way of life...

Personally I agree with Kiashu in that our economy does not need to grow - for instance we have downscaled our lives and need (?) less than 1Kw of solar - this is a comfortable but non energy intensive lifestyle. Not only have we substituted our energy use with solar but used the opporuntiy to lower our usage - which is only about 20% of what it was before moving out to our block.

But still I don't think we are sustainable in that we rely on batteries - of which all types rely on scarce metals, and until we find a different way to store electrons then we should probably be better off looking at lamps and candles for light.

The question is then can we build a high EROEI alternative energy system in the next 5 to 25 years - if no then we should forget about it and do stuff we know we can do - like making our food production small scale, organic and local, and learn to make low impact housing amd to preserve our knowledge base.

Personally I agree with Kiashu in that our economy does not need to grow

I didn't say that. I said our energy consumption need not grow. "The economy" is just how much money is floating around. The two aren't automatically connected. It's possible for money income to rise while energy consumption drops, and vice versa.

Lots of use of services in the economy don't require much energy. If I spend $10,000 to take a plane trip to Dubai and ski in their indoor skifield, a huge refrigerated building in the desert, I am spending lots of money and consuming lots of energy. But if I spend $10,000 on going to the theatre, on a university degree or even on hookers, I am spending lots of money but not consuming much energy doing so.

We can have economic growth with or without a growth in energy use, and we can have economic decline with or without it, too.

The history of countries which are energy and mineral exporters, like Australia, is one of great prosperity followed by great decline afterwards. We rely on the resources for income, which works great... until the resources run short.

That's another point about the article. They rate the lifetime of the resources not in years of Australian consumption, but in years of current extraction - we export most of them. I thought to say, "If we reduced or eliminated exports, our resources would last much longer." But history suggests that countries don't do that, they keep selling until there's nothing left, like a man selling off his house to a pawnbroker piece by piece. Alas that part of the article seems accurate.

I thought to say, "If we reduced or eliminated exports, our resources would last much longer."

We make the same comment. Part 3 makes some interesting findings about this. As you say, we will - without doubt - export much or most of our resources.

What choice do we have? Let's suppose that world coal peaks in 2025 (as the EWG says), but in Australia we haven't exported ours and we have lots of coal. Are we laughing because we were smart? No. We are a radioactive war zone.

Interesting times. Navigating this problem will be challenging.

Are we laughing because we were smart? No. We are a radioactive war zone.
(free advice for those unwilling to throw in the towel)


May I have permission to leave these 2 papers casualy lying around for the mildly curious to read?


Not necessarily.

That's because the flipside of the fossil fuel depletion problem is climate change. We use less because it's running short, and we should use less because we want the world more or less intact.

So a decline in exports could come about because of a more or less global agreement on emissions reductions. Then nobody invades us.

And of course, even without the climate change issue, between "export nothing, get smacked over in 2025" and "dig up and get rid of the lot as soon as humanly possible" there's a middle ground.

Also, if people are so desperate for coal in 2025 that they'll invade Australia for it, then emissions have been so high from now to then that... well, basically you're looking at an ice-free Arctic, and quite likely a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. So maybe we won't be such a target.

I think you are being a bit optimistic on the environmental front.

The analysis we performed for Australia, and I believe the same will apply for the world as a whole, shows that we simply do not have sufficient fossil fuels available to continue to grow while undertaking a BAU transition to a renewable economy. Something has to give. And the last thing to give will be the aspiration of individuals to have more material stuff. You can be sure that, the US or China or India or even Europe will not give up the lifestyle that they aspire to until they are forced to by physical constraints. As a result, my contention is, that we will burn every tonne of coal, every barrel of oil and m3 of gas that we are economically capable of. Horrible, but I think it is unavoidable.

The best that individuals and countries can do is to prepare themselves for the aftermath of energy depletion. The best outcome for the environment will be a total economic collapse induced by multiple peaking of energy sources. I would rather not have to experience this in Australia. And, as Aeldric has said treading the line between having enough fossil energy to make the transition while not making ourselves a takeover target for an energy starved world will be very difficult. All told it is a very complex problem made even more difficult by the fact we have a decision making process that will not look more than 3 years ahead.

The analysis we performed for Australia, and I believe the same will apply for the world as a whole, shows that we simply do not have sufficient fossil fuels available to continue to grow while undertaking a BAU transition to a renewable economy.

You should have added, "we don't have sufficient fuels to do all three of grow, export and transform."

Whether we can have two of the three, or only one, or even none, that's an open question. You've demonstrated only that we can't do all three.

I'm not being optimistic in saying we could "continue to grow" our economy, since I never said we could or even should continue to have the economy grow as it has been, with more cheap junk and wasted energy. In fact I went into some detail on what prosperity without a large amount of resources and energy being used could look like.

Undoubtedly we're in for great changes. But these do not necessarily mean great poverty.

Your essay and comments fall into the false dichotomy problem, heaven/hell split. "If we cannot achieve paradise, we are all doomed to hell." There's a failure to see the wide middle ground we could be living in.

This is very common. Basically it's bloody hard to imagine a different world. Even a wife beaten by her husband is scared to leave, "but then I'll be alone" - and our lifestyles are much better than that today. Because we can't imagine anything different, our mind flips over to Mad Max.

Thus comments like "the best outcome for the environment will be a total economic collapse induced by multiple peaking of energy sources." And that's just daft.

A total economic collapse after multiple peakings, well, people will still need heat and cooking fuel, so they'll cut the trees down. Around 17-18% of greenhouse gases today come from deforestation, most of the deforestation today is in the Third World, the First World is planting lots of trees (except Australia). A sudden collapse of fossil fuel availability would mean the First World cuts down trees, too. So we could have 30+% of greenhouse gases coming from deforestation.

Given that we need to get to around 10% of today's emissions by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change, having 30% of today's emissions just from deforestation, we'd still be rooted. So this doesn't help the environment at all.

All told it is a very complex problem made even more difficult by the fact we have a decision making process that will not look more than 3 years ahead.

It is indeed very complicated. But we live in a democracy. Our elected representatives are not leaders, but followers. If they're failing to act, it's because we're not annoying them enough.

Submissions to Senate inquiries like yours are, of course, an excellent way to annoy them ;)

You should have added, "we don't have sufficient fuels to do all three of grow, export and transform."

Whether we can have two of the three, or only one, or even none, that's an open question. You've demonstrated only that we can't do all three.

Err.... yes. That was kind of the point.

Your essay and comments fall into the false dichotomy problem, heaven/hell split. "If we cannot achieve paradise, we are all doomed to hell." There's a failure to see the wide middle ground we could be living in.

Again....yes. I believe I made the point about middle ground yesterday. As for the heaven/hell dichotomy.... we have only discussed hell, we haven't set up a dichotomy - we haven't discussed ANY alternatives yet, you are trying to do that.

In fact we will devote a large chunk of Part 4 of the series to the middle ground that must be walked.

I don't mind you making our points for us Kiashu, but please try not to imply that we are opposed to these points. In general, I agree with you.

Try to remember that this is a multi-part series - all we have established so far is what DOESN'T work and why it doesn't work. We still have to discuss alternatives.

(a) I was replying to Phoenix. What he says to you in private I dunno, but in his comment there was that "can't be heaven, must be hell" split.

(2) I can't be faulted for not having read what you haven't published yet. I may be long-winded but I am not psychic.


As for Australia not being a target because things get a lot worse between now and 2025,your scenario cuts both ways.

Maybe potential invaders will be so weakened that they are unable to invade.

Otoh,the more likely outcome is that if an invasion is seriously under consideration,the aggressor will just advance his schedule and invade before his window of oppurtunity closes.

Just my opinion of course,but I read a lot of history .

So,aeldric,if I read you correctly you are saying that if we don't desperately dig up and sell our resources overseas as quickly as possible then at some future date some resource short bully will come along and take them.Not mentioning any prime suspects but one is the counterparty to the very recently scrapped Rio Tinto deal.

I know patriotism is a dirty word in some circles but I have always believed that Australia should be governed for the benefit of Australians,not foreign powers,multinational companies or immigrant hopefuls. Decisions have to be made on the available evidence with a very sharp eye to the medium and long term.It is not in Australia's interests to sell off resources at the present mad rate.It is not in the interests of the Earth that dirty fuels like coal continue to be burned.

From the geopolitical perspective,let the right decisions be made now for the welfare of the nation regardless of perceived external threats and let the chips fall where they may down the very unknown track.

So,aeldric,if I read you correctly you are saying that if we don't desperately dig up and sell our resources overseas as quickly as possible then at some future date some resource short bully will come along and take them.Not mentioning any prime suspects but one is the counterparty to the very recently scrapped Rio Tinto deal.

No, you don't read me correctly. Apologies if I gave that impression. I'm a "shades of grey", "middle ground" kind of guy. I believe that the answer to any non-trivial question starts with "It's complicated, ".

I don't entertain arguments that start by trying to portray the problem as either "black" or "white".

know patriotism is a dirty word in some circles but I have always believed that Australia should be governed for the benefit of Australians

Not patriotic if my breakfast is treatened.

It is either there or it is not.

Kiashu said "I didn't say that. I said our energy consumption need not grow."

True you can save some energy and retain most of the lifestyle as the Rocky Mts Inst. have shown; however over the long haul if you don't make and sell the same amount of stuff - people will be materially poorer - a good thing I say - however the fact remains that it doesn't matter how much whoring the society does, its economy will shrink as it becomes materially poorer.

however over the long haul if you don't make and sell the same amount of stuff - people will be materially poorer

Not necessarily. There's quality and quantity. Instead of over twenty years having 40x $10 shirts, I could have 8x $50 shirts. Instead of a $100 table every two years, a well-crafted $1,000 table that lasts twenty years. And so on. Having a life filled with cheap junk is not the only way to be rich.

We can also continue the trend to more services than goods. Arnold may spend $1,000 a month on pizza, beer and DVDs, while Barbara spends $1,000 a month on massages and theatre. Each spends money and has a materially high standard of living, but one consumes goods and the other services.

A certain amount of energy and resource use is necessary to a decent quality of life. When you have very little, having some more makes a big difference.

For example, a few litres of diesel a week for a water pump means that some girl in Ghana can go to school instead of carrying water, and go work in the city as a clerk or teacher, sending money back to the village, being an educated woman and reading her newspaper and participating in her democracy.

When you have a lot, having some more makes not much difference. If I already burn through a tank of diesel in my 4WD each week, having a few litres more won't improve my life noticeably, certainly not compared to that girl in Ghana.

So what we often find with resource and energy use is that it follows a sort of "shoulder" curve, where beginning with nothing a small amount vastly improves people's lives, but after a certain amount there's not much further improvement. For example, see here a graph of electricity use per capita (total use, not just domestic, which is usually about 1/3 of all) vs Human Development Index (per capita income, longevity, education).

You can see there that some countries do a lot with very little, and some do very little with a lot. Efficiency, but also social justice. South Africa and Italy have the same electricity per person, but one has a much lower HDI than the other: RSA has lots of people with no electricity at all, and a few people with lots.

We can make an efficient, socially just society, one where we have goods in quality not in quantity, one with more services than goods. And we can do it with renewable energy.

But we must choose to do so.

The problem with projecting any type of growth rates over 40 years, either production or consumption, small changes can lead to big differences.

I think you conversion efficiency(60%) of NG for heating being replaced by electricity is low, heat pumps are now 300% efficient replacing gas heating 70-90% efficient(70-75% reduction).
Also electric vehicles seem to achieve 0.13-0.4kWh/km replacing ICE vehicles (6-12L/100km) 200-400MJ/100kM or 0.55-1.1kWh/km(av 75% reduction).

Costs for wind farms seems high( more like $AUD 2,000/kWh capacity), and the capacity factor of Infigen's 550MW in Australia(the largest wind farm owner) is 36%.

We should allow 1% annual reduction in energy intensity/ GDP whatever the GDP actually grows at in next 40 years. Switching from FF to renewable or nuclear electricity will give additional gains.

The most import question is : Can we replace today's FF consumption by renewable energy within 40 years? If we can do this using today's technology then we have a chance of meeting future increases in GDP by better technology, conservation etc.
We can probably replace all road private and freight transport by electric road or electric rail using a 50% increase in todays 30GW electricity.
Drastic reductions in metal smelting and air travel seem necessary, and very achievable without any major problems, so probably a 100% increase in today's electricity would enable most FF to be replaced at today's consumption rates. This would require an additional 110GW average or 300GW wind turbine capacity(7.5GW per year). We installed 0.65GW(1.3 Billion) wind in 2008, so about X11 this rate(15Billion per year). Seems very possible.
Your projections of requiring a 600% increase in electricity are probably not going to be possible unless solar technology improves much faster than most anticipate.

I accept the point on the use of heat pumps for higher efficiency gains in relation to space heating. Note however that this won't work for heat uses in industry where the temperature requirements generally make this concept unworkable.

I think the jury is still out on the efficiency gains from electric vehicles. I suspect that the figures you are quoting are for kWhrs at the battery terminals. Do they account for grid transmission loss, charging transformer loss and battery recovery losses ?? Remember that also many of the figures being tossed about by manufacturers are for experimental vehicles. I think that by the time we get to production vehicle that the average family will want to buy then the numbers will not look quite so good.

Is the figure you quoted for the wind farm an actual measured capacity across the farm or their design condition. Gail the actuary put up a post a week or so ago that indicated actual measured wind farm capacity factors in Europe are comming in around 25%. And this is before you impose the problems of 1/ the need to expand to lower quality sites and 2/ the capacity factor suffers greatly as the generation source forms a large portion of the overall demand.

You are right, a 600% increase in electricity will not happen. The real outcome will be a mix of solutions and compromise.

Infigen shows weighted average capacity factor ranging from 30-40% month by month over last 3 years, with an average of 35%.
Europe is much lower because of the high subsidy for wind and poorer wind conditions. As more remote sites are developed, that have better wind potential but have not been developed because of no grid connection, we should see the capacity factor increase , especially in TAS and WA.

I would agree with you about industrial heat although higher prices should encourage more efficient use of energy.

I suspect that the figures you are quoting are for kWhrs at the battery terminals.

Neil's figures are high for that. The Chevy Volt gets .12 KWH/km at the battery, and the Tesla gets about .125 (using older li-ion tech). Li-ion batteries are about 90% efficient for round-trip charge-discharge ("battery recovery losses"), which gets to roughly Neil's figures.

Do they account for grid transmission loss, charging transformer loss...??

Grid losses in the US are about 7%. Transformer loss is a wild-card: transformers can be extremely efficient or inefficient, based on design. Anybody have info relevant here?

many of the figures being tossed about by manufacturers are for experimental vehicles

Neither the Volt nor the Tesla are experimental - the Volt is production-intent, is only a few months away from assembly-line production, and most of it's tech is old and well proven.

The Tesla, of course, is in production.

You might want to look at the Aptera. Now, that's a new approach for light vehicles, but it's engineering principles (aerodynamics) are old & well proven. IIRC, it gets about .03KWH/km.

Transformer loss is a wild-card: transformers can be extremely efficient or inefficient, based on design. Anybody have info relevant here?

Commercial transformers used inside buildings are apparently 95-99+% efficient.

Thanks, that's an interesting paper. I'm especially struck by the finding, on page iv, that efficiency improvements could reduce peak power requirements by 54GW, or 12%, by 2020. That's more than 1% per year, and alone could largely eliminate the need for additional peak generation.

The paper talks about distribution transformers, with AC inputs and outputs. EVs would need large (kilowatt) DC transformers. Have you happened to run across anything for them?

Anyone else seen anything?

Transformers employ a time varying magnetic field, so there are no DC transformers in the conventional sense of the term transformer. Charging would employ some type of AC rectification, approximately as efficient as a transformer IIRC.

"How Much Time Do We Have?"
Anyway impending oil crisis can be mitigated using new exploration technologies. For example,

It's a bit of an exaggeration for a country as immensely rich in natural and energy resources as Australia to be considered doomed in the face of coming depletion.

When I do a quick search I come up with much different fossil fuel numbers.
Australia has 86 Gt of coal(eia), 750 G m3 of natural gas( more with coal seam methane) and 24 Gb of recoverable shale oil. It imports .250 Gb of oil and exports .25Gt of coal(2/3 of production). Electricity is about 300 Twh on a 50 Gw grid. It may be a prudent to cap Australian coal exports.

The most important problem would seem to be how to reduce fossil fuel consumption to reduce greenhouse emissions. Coal is a problem but the technology for converting coal to cleaner natural gas and burying the CO2 in saline aquifers or unmineable coal seams has been proven practical. Converting coal electricity to natural gas will reduce emissions by half for the same number of BTUs, joules, kwhs, etc.

The main use for fossil fuels should be to balance out intermittent renewable sources feeding the grid. Natural gas is the idea fuel to pick up the slack when the sun isn't shining or wind dies down. Using fossil fuels as a backup source will extend them going forward, so FF electricity needs to be heavily taxed.

As far as liquid fuels go, the quickest way to get GHG reductions in to increase the production of sugar cane ethanol--Australia produces 36 million tons which would result in a billion liters of ethanol which could replace all the gasoline used at 600 million liters per year. Oil shale production which has been stopped could produce required large amounts of domestic diesel if necessary.

IOW, 1)reduce GHG by using more natural gas, 2) convert coal to NG and sequester the CO2 for a backup to renewables 3) maximize renewable power to the grid, 4) a mix of biofuel and oil shale to substitute for imported oil. These measures, along with reducing consumption should easily extend Australia's energy system for 100 years.

Other countries, like the USA are nowhere nearly as fortunate.

Majorian,Australia does have a lot of coal and it would be better for our (Earths)state of health if it was left in the ground.There is a possibility that treatment in ground to produce methane would be a less harmful way of utilizing coal as a stopgap till we can get cleaner energy generation.

Australia also has a lot of natural gas which can serve the same purpose.Unfortunately our myopic government is allowing this to be exported in large quantities.

Shale oil (kerogen) has been produced in Australia at various times since before WW 2,both from underground and open cut mines.It has never been economical to produce because of it's low EROEI and is extremely polluting.Shale oil is in the same ball park as oil sands.

Carbon Dioxide capture and storage may well be technically feasible but there is no way it can be scaled up to make a significant contribution to reduction of GHG.There would be a huge infrastructure cost plus energy expenditure to capture,compress and transport.These obvious problems have not stopped the same recalcitrant government mentioned above from throwing millions of dollars of taxpayers money at their friends in the coal industry to research and build pilot plants.

Ethanol is currently being produced from sugar cane and some grains in Australia and has been for many years from cane.Petrol/ethanol mix is readily available.However,even if the whole of our existing cane growing land,mainly on the North East coast and a smaller area under irrigation in Northern West Australia,was used for ethanol production I doubt if this would alter our current dependence on oil for transport fuel.Obviously, sugar is also used as a food.
Too easy,you might say,looking at a map of Australia but in total ignorance of climate,soils and other factors,just increase the area of land planted to cane.There are only very limited areas available for sugar cane growing and there is little to no prospect of expansion without increasing the existing environmental damage caused by intensive monoculture on coastal plains.The Great Barrier Reef and lowland rainforests have suffered a lot of damage from cane growing.
There may be a place for biofuel crops on already degraded agricultural and pastoral land but this requires more research.

Australia is rich in energy and mineral resources.It is not rich in natural resources.Quite the contrary,it is an arid continent with highly variable rainfall and in the main, ancient soils leached of nutrients.This is one of the many reasons why our non-renewable resources need to be husbanded with great care.For many years the conventional wisdom has been to dig it up and ship it out as quickly as possible.

Australia's energy future for large scale electricity generation lies in geothermal,solar thermal and nuclear.This can be supplemented by wind and tidal plus solar photovoltaic for small, remote installations.The federal government,in it's infinite wisdom,has recently scrapped a subsidy scheme for urban/rural solar cells on feed in tariff.It may well be replaced by a less generous subsidy.
For transport we should be extending electrified rail for passenger and long distance freight.Natural gas should be used to a greater extent as a substitute for diesel.

So,while Australia has certain advantages there are very significant problems.The first and foremost problem is a political,business and MSM oligarchy which,with some rare exceptions,is pig ignorant.Welcome to the real world down under,Majorian.

Currently Australia exports more than 70% of the energy fuels that we extract. So yes, we have ample capacity to increase that 42 years to over 100 years. More than enough to undertake an orderly transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Probably even a cap on export expansion would give us the breathing space we need. Unfortunately I don't see either of these concepts getting any serious consideration for many years.

Surprisingly the world situation is not greatly different to Australia with respect to the time frames involved. The reason again is Australia's exports. We will cover this in part 3 of the series.

Reposted from the main TOD site.

I have several problems with this article.

1. The Coal, Natural Gas and Uranium reserves are extremely conservative.
2. The assumption that consumption of these resources will grow exponentially until the moment they are consumed.
3. The assumption that the cost of alternative energy resources will remain constant at present values.
4. The assumption that advanced nuclear technology will make no impact.

For (1) coal reserves would immediately be doubled if they include Victoria's currently economic Brown coal reserves. Actually the technology to extract water from lignite has been developed and there is a consortium that has concrete plans to export it.

The black coal reserves are what current miners have taken the time to fully quantify. The final resource value is almost certainly far higher, even without in-situ coal underground gasification which can unlock the energy content in very deeply buried coal deposits.

For Coal Seam methane, new advances are continually made. Queensland/NSW have gone from facing imports of nat gas from 2011 to being large net exporters over a 3 year period! ie In 2006 projections showed those states needing imports now they will be exporters.

The 1.15 million tonnes of Uranium is well out of date. All by itself, the resource at Olympic dam has been re-assessed to 1.9 million tonnes.

For (2) it is obvious that exponential increases in extraction will not continue indefinitely. Particularly since most of the energy content is exported. The authors should work out a more sophisticated extraction profile, like say, a logistic sigmoid.

I would be extremely surprised if the combination of (1) and (2) did not show at least 1 century of resources in Australia.

For (3) there is scope for a factor of two decrease in price for solar thermal and substantial price decreases for PV. Large scale PV modules have already dropped below $1/watt.

For (4) there are variety of new technologies that will substantially increase the energy extracted from Uranium from the present 1% to 10% or greater. This immediately increases the EROI for nuclear by a large factor and in turn makes mining large and more dilute Uranium resources energetically favourable for many, many centuries.

Even then, assuming reasonable GDP growth and investment in just renewable energy at your quoted prices, we get pretty close to your required 1.8 trillion by 2050 for Australia.

Starting from a 1 trillion economy and 3% GDP growth and 2% diverted to renewable energy I get 1.6 trillion by 2050.

With a 2% GDP growth rate and 3% invested in renewable energy I get a total of 1.9 trillion by 2050.

I can post the spreadsheet if you like. It's all straight forward.

A couple of comments.

Yes, brown coal reserves are up around the same level as black coal, around 37 billion tonnes. However, the calorific value of brown coal is much lower so it won't contribute the same amount to the overall energy mix. I have taken into account the brown coal reserves when calculating the average energy based fossil fuel life of 42 years.

I ran a quick sum of the effect of increasing the uranium reserves to 1,900,000 T and it pushed out the life to 45 years. Can you please give me a reference where this number is published and i will modify my analysis.

I am currently working on the costing of two solar thermal plants. It's what I do for a living. I have already taken up some additional gains in costs in the numbers I have used. Sorry, but I have been in this business for 30 years and have become a little cynical over claims regarding price delivery of new technology.

You make a number of good points. We have however tried to strike a balance between being alarmist and conservative. For instance we have not considered the real price increases to construction costs that will come about when we experience peaking of oil and coal during the period being considered. This issue alone could double the real cost of delivery of renewable power.

Here's the reference for the Olympic Dam expansion.

How do you justify a time scale based on an exponential increase of extraction? You KNOW that is not going to happen unless new reserves are continually discovered.

BTW with regard to solar PV, does that $5000 /KW refer to peak power output? ie You assume costs of $5000 for one KW of peak power from now until 2050?

First Solar already produces modules at less than $1000 per peak KW.

It's good to hear the price of solar PV is coming down, I would be happy to pay $1000 per peak KW.
Unfortunately tells me as of of June 2009, the lowest retail price for a multi-crystalline silicon solar module is $2.48 per watt (€1.79 per watt) from a US retailer. The lowest retail price for a monocrystalline silicon module is $2.80 per watt (€2.02 per watt), from a US retailer.

First Solar produces Cd-Te thin film modules. I believe their primary market are large OEM's serving Utilities.

A quick look at their website reveals these will be available for residential system in "early 2009".

I don't know if they will b e any cheaper on your roof than silicon PV's though. Since they're larger (ie less efficient) the installation costs may out way their price per module.

Good Luck! I'd happily pay $1000 per KW for PV on my roof too :-)

First Solar hopefully sells its modules with a profit (like all publicly traded companies have to) and retailers hopefully sell their modules with a profit too (like all businesses have to).

The above calculations take no account of the effects that EROEI will have on net energy recovered.

Does anyone have any example curves to show quantitatively how EROEI declines as a function of resource remaining? For oil, gas or coal, especially oil, this would be interesting to look at. Single wells or fields or even countries.

Failing that is there a theoretical model that has been applied to the problem that has at least some grounding in observed data?

The shape of this curve would help understand both the degree of the problem and the speed with which it is likely to develop.



What this article screams to me is that 'BAU' will not remain constant as the century progresses to mid-point even without an early peak (let's just assume for a moment that Armagedon does not start on June 12th 2012...) This is why it is simply not possible to state a given % growth rate and extrapolate ad-infinitum.

Energy prices will soar and the exponential nature of growth will be exposed as just the early part of an 's' curve. Within this context energy efficiency will rise to the fore and IMO cleaner-coal, gas and in-turn 4th generation more efficient nuclear will be used to try and plug the gap along with breader reactors.

All the time the price signal will be creating mini-crashes and spiralling upwards and demand destruction / efficiency / renewables will come to the fore. It's a complex chaotic picture.


The bottom line of the table says we'll do better than 80% less CO2 by 2050, more like 100%. The gas lobby says Australia has 500 tcf of natgas and coal seam gas. That's 19.4 Mt per tcf not sure what that is in cubic metres but more than a century they reckon.

Some 20 year scenarios would be illuminating. They would need to factor in new demand for electricity such as desalination and transport less savings from smart meters and so on. There will clearly be a gas boom both as a vehicle fuel when oil seriously declines and also for electrical generation if talk ever gets serious about CO2 cuts. After 20 years or so heavy domestic gas demand may force a rethink about LNG exports.

I suspect that 'old' brown coal (eg Latrobe Valley) will get a series of get-out-of-jail cards to keep going until economic exhaustion. For example power stations will get makeovers to look 'capture ready' and other stalling tactics. I see only a modest wind build and no nuclear so long as the ALP-Green mindset holds sway. That is make fashionable talk about carbon cuts but do nothing to alter the status quo.

Basically I expect Australia to keep burning and exporting coal at current rates. In lieu of 'new' coal and to replace oil gas will become the fuel of choice even though the world price will climb. By 2030 I doubt Australia will have enough capital left for either serious renewables or nuclear.

There are 35.3 cubic feet in 1 cubic meter.

Australia uses about 600 million liters of gasoline per year,
which is equal to 20 billion cubic feet of CNG for CNG cars which is equal to about 2 Tcf per year of standard natural gas.

Current Australian natural gas consumption is 3.7 Tcf.

I read at TOD last year that Australia's gas reserves were 150 Tcf.

If all coal electricity(200Twh) were switched to state of the art CCGT(combined cycle gas turbines--50% efficient), it would use 1.5 Tcf of natural gas producing 80 MtCO2, which is 40% of the CO2 released by coal powered electricity(+200MtCO2).

Australia's domestic coal(100 million tons) could be gasified to about +1 Tcf of natural gas and the CO2 sequestered in coal seams or saline aquifers. If 1/3 of 60 billion tons of Oz coal reserves is gasified for domestic use, that's an additional 200 Tcf.

Cars-2 Tcf
Electric power-1.5 Tcf
Current consumption-3.7 Tcf
Total = 7.2 Tcf

Natural gas 150 reserves + 200 coal-to-gas = 350 Tcf.

Here is calculation concerning the energy cost of transitioning to renewables (No, I am not rejecting the use nuclear energy. I am just giving a sample calculation.). I define the following variables:

C0 : Current yearly net energy supply from depleting resources

L : Length of time in years over which C0 linearly descends to zero. Yes I know this is probably not a realistic assumption. So sue me.

f×C0 : Target yearly net energy supply at the end of L years. If f<1 then we are undergoing energy descent.

P : Average energy payback time in years of new renewable installations.

µ: Energy utilization rate of renewable generators. µ is the fraction of the life time energy produced by a renewble generator which is left over after the energy used in manufacturing and installation is subtracted out. If the generator produces constant energy for LR years then µ=(LR-P)/LR

In order to produce f×C0 units of net energy per year an over capacity will be required since in long term equilibrium we must replace worn out generators on an ongoing basis. The total capacity that needs to be installed to produce f×C0 units of net energy per year is f×C0/µ.

I will assume that this capacity is installed at a uniform rate over the L years of depletion of the conventional resources. That is we install (f×C0)/(µ×L) units of new renewable generation each year. The energy cost of this installation is (P×f×C0)/(µ×L). If we divide this number by C0 we get the energy cost as a fraction of the intial yearly supply of net energy from depleting resources:

Fractional Energy Cost = (P×f)/(µ×L)

To give a specific example suppose P=4 years, f=1, L=30 years and µ=26/30=0.867 (This value of µ corresponds to constant energy output over a lifetime of 30 years.) Plugging in the numbers we find:

Fractional Energy Cost = 4/26=0.154

If I've understood this correctly you are saying we need to invest 15% of current energy output for the next 30 years for alternative energy to just replace current usage.

I'll try to reconcile that with an alternative calculation based on payback. I note the parametric approach which doesn't involve dollars or kilowatt hours. I'd call the fraction the 'energy re-investment factor' or somesuch.

Even if 15% re-investment is physically possible is it likely? People want everything now and to hell with the future.

If I've understood this correctly you are saying we need to invest 15% of current energy output for the next 30 years for alternative energy to just replace current usage.

Yes, under the assumptions given 15% is the requirement. Of course a longer or shorter payback time would change the numbers. I was just trying to provide a tool for thinking about the energy requirements of building a new energy infrastructure. As for the likelihood of making intelligent long term infrastructure decisions, I think that depends on our being willing to decommit from the growth paradigm and from the holy right of money to make money. I am not holding my breath waiting for these changes.

As Neil says below the problem does not revolve around the direct energy investment to create new power plant. The energy payback period for most power station plant is very low (weeks not years). The problem we have is our ability as a society to dedicate the effort required by the task. If, we as a society, we decided tomorrow that this task was of prime importance then I am sure we could easily achieve the transition. Instead, it seems likely that we will, spend loose change on technology advancements, bog down possible solutions like thorium reactors in red tape and continue to believe that exponential energy driven growth is a long term option.

the problem does not revolve around the direct energy investment to create new power plant. The energy payback period for most power station plant is very low (weeks not years).

So apparently energy is not a gateway resource for producing more energy even though it is for the rest of the economy. Interesting.

If you are doing this type of calculation you need to use the direct energy inputs into renewable energy , not the indirect for example infrastructure, domestic(non industrial) consumption. For wind turbines >1.5MW these direct energy paybacks are very rapid, (2-6 months) for smaller turbines 100-300kW paybacks are about 1 year( TOD article by Clifford Cleveland , also Danish study of CO2 emissions with 600KW turbines, and Jacobson reference).

EROEI is less if you include indirect energy use( for example recreational energy use by labor or the energy used in building infrastructure,energy used to educate workers etc) but these costs have been paid for or are included in the FF replacement target, they are not direct costs due to building more wind turbines.

For example a 1MW turbine will require 115 tones of steel( 85% of the structure), 20 tones of cement and 8 tonnes of glass fiber.
It will generate 2900MWh per year. Presently the US burns about 1500 tones of coal to generate 2900MWh and would use about 75 tones of coal to produce the steel and cement in a 1MW turbine(equivalent to <3 weeks coal use to produce the same 150 MWh electricity) . Since 78% of US steel is recycled less than this would be used. Transportation of components are about 5% of energy use. If you include the additional energy used by workers directly employed and indirectly employed in turbine construction(10 person years/MW) and to provide food and shelter for their families(av 2 persons/worker) they would use another 200MW of electricity(another 3 weeks of output form a 1MW turbine) and considerable oil and NG. Figures for Australia are very similar.

So if we are only concerned about how much coal is going to be used to produce a wind turbine and supply electricity to the workers and family we would be able to pay-back that coal in about 6 weeks, and then continue to build another turbine every 6 weeks for the next 20-30 years. Of course the US also needs to replace 75QUADS on non-coal energy per year, but not with 75 QUADS of electricity, probably 25QUADS. Australia derives a higher proportion of electricity and energy from coal so it would be easier to replace this with renewable energy(1ton coal/2MWh electricity).

Not to jump on the bandwagon, but not only is nuclear a viable long term option (in breeder form - and there are other technologies besides Thorium being discussed and already tested and operational) but it would seem to be a key option.
(As far as fuel, supply may not be as limited as we've been led to believe. Anyone want to jump in on the seawater extraction concept for nuclear fuel?? - The Japanese seem to be doing this already)

Seawater Extraction Cost

The article doesn't seem to track the environmental load of CO2, Methane, NOx, and other greenhouse and toxic gas - not to mention mercury and radioactive components of coal/oil combustion...Only energy demand. The overall costs of each technology are important to consider. And what about a bridge or extension to the "renewables"? Shouldn't Nuclear be a consideration, however the alarmists have spun it? The waste issue becomes relatively a non-issue when breeders are put into the mix. Also, wouldn't it be good to consider the possible use of Nuclear to generate hydrogen?

As far as the Biomass contribution there are serious concerns regarding the depletion of useable land and societal food vs fuel considerations that have been raised (eg. Pimental in "Food, Energy, and Society")

On another note: Anyone have any ideas for disposal of a 25 year old PV panel? There are some toxic concerns, as well as costs, that must be addressed here as well, right? A few of the toxics in the waste stream for PV: Gallium arsenide (GaAs), copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2), cadmium telluride (CdTe)

Solar Cell Disposal

I agree that it will take a basket of technologies to support society as we know it....but to leave Nuclear out because it is classed "nonrenewable" seems to defeat at least one of the BIG possible options before the discussion starts. How much of the solar PV technology is still in development? (Titanium Dioxide clear cells for instance) The problem, as I see it, is that current solar PV tech is also non-renewable in that the cells typically have 20 to 30 year life spans. And typical performance degrades from a high of 20% conversion (on sunny days - key point here!!) to 15% in roughly 5 years. (a 25% drop) IMHO, This means that output must be compensated from other sources over time. Certainly others who are smarter than I would know, but from my limited perspective, I would not include solar PV as a peak demand supplier or as a way to expand demand over time, at least not without overbuild considerations (which brings up the question of effective use of resources)and direct connections to the gods of the sun.

On another note, a radical idea would be to decommission naval nuclear vessels and park them next to key demand locations, say like Sydney, and plug them in. (OK, its not THAT easy...still something like that has been done in special cases) Russia has hundreds of these vessels ready for decom. The interesting thing is that these highly enriched Naval units come with their own portable containment vessel and can last 20 to 30 years or more (newly developed cores are pushing the limits to 50 years). Outside the subject of this discussion but on a separate thread it might be nice to consider the ?real? threat of nuclear proliferation. Alarmists will likely try to point this out and I would love to entertain a thread on this subject if I had sufficient time.

Still, my compliments to the chef for putting such forward thinking into a strategy for energy. My hat's off to you.

Why would I dispose of a 25 year old PV panel? It still has a hundred years of life left. They can be recycled.

Why would I dispose of a 25 year old PV panel? It still has a hundred years of life left. They can be recycled.

Based on my experience and other independent tests, Solar PV systems degrade in output (and in condition) over time.

Data tends to suggest that 100 years is EXTREMELY optimistic. 20 years seems to be the norm. Some folks have performed analysis to determine the degradation over time.

Solar PV Long Term Stability Analysis

Some units are likely to do better than others but this still has to be factored in to a solar PV farm operational cycle IMO.

Recycling is not fully developed for these systems, in some part due to the toxic aspects.

Solar PV Recycling Issues 1

Solar PV Recycling Issues 2

My cells had an argument with a flying tree limb and I had to quickly learn what to do with the remainders....the cells lost the argument BTW.

Which does bring up a thought - what happens to solar effectiveness in sandy areas (most deserts)? I've personally had the experience of being turned around (in my car) by what they refer to as a dust devil (think small sandy tornado). I survived, obviously, but the paint job on the car???? Hummm....think I'll submit for a grant to do a study of impacts of weather on solar PV least I could get out more ;-0

Just more food for thought ;-)

The overall costs of each technology are important to consider.

Correct: The French breeder reactor Superphenix has already generated costs of 9.1 billion Euros. Over its lifetime it generated 3392 GWh.

This means one kWh of "Breeder electricity" cost 374 cents per kWh.

Of course, none of those costs had anything to do with this:

Against a background of ongoing protest and low-level sabotage, on the night of January 18, 1982 a rocket attack was launched against the unfinished plant by an "eco-pacifist group". Five rocket-propelled grenades were launched at the incomplete containment building – two hit and caused damage, which narrowly missing the reactor's empty core.

{sarc} Let's launch a few rockets at those prototype offshore wind farms and see how high the costs go. {/sarc}

Why do so many people on here seem determined to put up the worst case items for whatever energy tech is currently the hit-job target as if they are the typical case?

Not just you, anyone, but in the post you responded to as well.

Yes, we need to deal with waste streams responsibly, but that doesn't mean we need to spend tons of money to do things in the most horribly inefficient and constraining ways that paranoia dictates.

Recycle, recondition, reuse, restore. If disposal is price prohibitive spend a bit to keep things out of the waste stream in the first place.

I'd like to think that this doesn't take a genius, but since so many obviously intelligent people act determined to miss the obvious maybe it does.

Let's launch a few rockets at those prototype offshore wind farms and see how high the costs go.

Actually with €9.1 billion you can finance a wind farm with roughly 9000 MW.
That corresponds to approx. 4000 wind turbines. I seriously doubt that one can damage 4000 wind turbines with 2 rocket propelled grenades (it's actually mathematically impossible).
Besides if you one could indeed cause a $9.1 billion Euro damage on a nuclear power plant with 2 rocket propelled grenades, I don't see why anybody in their right mind would seriously want to build new nuclear power plants.

Recycle, recondition, reuse, restore. If disposal is price prohibitive spend a bit to keep things out of the waste stream in the first place.

Talking of which: Unfortunately the decommissioning costs are not included in the €9.1 billion.

Why do so many people on here seem determined to put up the worst case items for whatever energy tech is currently the hit-job target as if they are the typical case?

Well then, show us that the Breeder reactors actually produce or at least did produce cheap electricity.

As far as I know, most breeder reactors put in service so far produce electricity as a byproduct of their primary purpose.

As the case you pointed up shows, public opposition to them is too great up front for them to be profitable for general electricity production. Sabotage, protests, and mad bombers can run the costs up arbitrarily high before you even get it into service.

No business in their right mind starts a project when they know there are millions of fanatics ready to blow it up before it makes a single penny, let alone pays for itself, so there will not be any commercial breeder reactors built in countries with strong, crazy, anti-nuclear groups.

So you are saying the reason why the China and USSR/Russia didn't build many more breeder reactors wasn't because they were more expensive to build and operate, they simply didn't build them because public opposition in these countries was too high?

I'm sorry I don't believe in ludicrous conspiracies. I believe in facts and facts show, that breeder reactors are not only more expensive than LWR-reactors, they also show that efficiency and renewables are commercially available NOW, can be build in LESS TIME and are more COST EFFECTIVE.
Besides, it's certainly interesting that the nuclear share in countries like France and Germany with public opposition is much higher than in in countries like China without public opposition. It's also interesting that China already had nuclear powered submarines in the 1970's and yet their nuclear power share is less than 2% and their nuclear capacity is about 10 times smaller than their solar hot water capacity (which as opposed to nuclear power is not subsidized).

What the nuclear worshipers like to forget is the simple fact, that nuclear power plants only produce electricity and there are many ways to produce electricity and more importantly save electricity. What they also like to forget is the simple fact, that aircrafts, big rigs and commercial vessels are not nuclear powered and most probably cannot if they need to deliver a return of investment. So they oppose biofuels from being developed and hoping someone might come up with a holy nuclear solution.
Just keep in mind - it's not like the taypayer-world isn't and hasn't been trying for decades:
Nuclear power has dominated government spending on energy research and development, accounting for over US$159 billion between 1974 and 1998. Although its share has fallen, it still accounts for 51% of the OECD energy R&D budget:

Needless to say that in order to seriously reduce GHG-emissions, people will need to eat less meat and this problem cannot be solved by any electricity producing option.

China and Russia have all the breeders they need. Why should they build more?

WTF about conspiracies? It says, right in the article as I quoted above that the plant you referenced was subject to sabotage, protests, and a bombing. If that isn't going to raise the cost of a project that needs to be done to the highest standards what is?

Nuclear is not perfectly safe, but nothing is.

The record shows no significant public health risk from PWRs, and cost estimates have to take into account the actions of people who are afraid of nuclear bombs being built in their neighborhood.

If you can come up with a non-conspiracy explanation for nuclear power's stellar showing relative to fossil fuels in world-wide health records, spill it.

China and Russia have all the breeders they need. Why should they build more?

Obviously, if breeder reactors could produce cheap electricity - as you seem to believe - they would have built thousands by now.

If that isn't going to raise the cost of a project that needs to be done to the highest standards what is?

Fact is that all breeder reactors have been very expensive regardless whether they were attacked by a couple of wackos or not.

Sure we can forgo renewables and efficiency measures, which are commercially available NOW and instead invest everything in breeder reactors, which are not commercially available, because they haven't shown to be cost effective.
But it will not only take much more time, it will certainly be way more expensive.

You project what you want me to believe. It's much easier to argue against the person you would like to argue against than to actually read what I write.

Two things:
1. I do not believe that the 1960's generation of breeder reactors can produce cheap electricity. Nobody who has studied such things does. The only breeder-type design that might wasn't even prototyped until the plant you referenced was well into construction.

2. Yes, the classic breeder reactor design was expensive. That does not change the ability of sufficiently motivated protesters to raise the cost even further. Hence my accusation of cherry-picking worst case data, an already expensive reactor design with cost overruns pushed by protesters.

I don't need to look too hard to find decades-old examples of wind and solar projects that went over budget and produced little to no commercial power at great expense per kW, the original post in this thread is doing a hatchet job on solar due to disposal expense. If you look back at my original post I was calling him to task also, but of course it's all about you, and it's all about how evil and expensive nuclear power is.

It isn't all about you. Really. It isn't all about nuclear either, even though I do think that nuclear has a place in a complete energy strategy. It is about intellectual honesty and facing assumptions.

What other assumptions have you been making that aren't true?

What assumptions do you see me making that aren't true?
Please go back and read what I really wrote, not just what you remember me writing, before you answer that one.

Actually as opposed to new wind energy, I haven't seen any data, which prooved that new nuclear power is cheap, which is a pity considering the simple fact that nuclear has been massively supported by the tax-payer of the OECD countries for over 50 years and considering the fact that it is supported from international tax-payer dependent institutions such as IAEA and EURATOM.
Nuclear power has dominated government spending on energy research and development, accounting for over US$159 billion between 1974 and 1998. Although its share has fallen, it still accounts for 51% of the OECD energy R&D budget:

At least in Switzerland, I've just seen ad campaigns (TV, movie-theater, news-paper, internet etc.) from nuclear power operators badmouthing renewables and repeatedly lying that nuclear is cheaper than hydro (even though the capital costs of the hydro power plants were lower, the hydro power plants run longer (some are already 100 years old), the hydro power plants run flexibly and don't need load leveling, the hydro power plants are cheaper to operate and the hydro power plant do not require enriched fuel from foreign mines).

A tax-payer dependent professor recently (and insanely) claimed in a newspaper article that PV requires 50 times more copper than nuclear without showing any data at all. He also claimed that if the world would invest in renewables instead of nuclear, the world would suffer from all the copper mining and there wouldn't be enough copper (besides the fact that nuclear also requires copper, his claims can easily be disproved if one actually cares to check it (which unfortunately many journalists don't)).

On the other hand, I don't see PV-manufacturers badmouthing nuclear. Probably because they use their profit to finance their growth and not to run negative campaigns to prevent competition.

PS: Claiming that Silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) is a problem is simply ludicrous. When mixed with water it turns to SiO2 (sand) and HCl, and when HCl is mixed with NaOH it turns to saltwater. As opposed to disposing highly radioactive waste with transmutation, this is an extremely cheap process.

I don't thin claiming a SiCl4 problem is "ludicrous". In fact, in some places (namely the country which is attempting to be the worlds largest manufacturer of Silicon solar cells) there exists a "problem" in how this waste is disposed:

I agree, solar is a nice option. Personally I favor thermal solar due to a lower installed cost, but in either case solar would be a good long term energy option. Unfortunately, the world needs power now. Greater effeciency and conservation will only go so far if modern lifestyles are to be maintained. As much as everyone here at TOD talks about the massive population problem and how a die-off is imminent, they neglect one thing; man's sheer will to exist.

The hero of the 21st century will not be the fire-fighter, or the police man, or sports star or the politician. The hero of the 21st century will be the engineer, the teacher, and the scientist. We need to quit playing chicken little worrying how unsolvable the problem is and begin working on it. Each and every citizen needs to express the importance of education. If you think civilization is going to be faced with the biggest set of challenges ever, then our countries better be producing the biggest set of educated thinkers ever.

In fact, in some places (namely the country which is attempting to be the worlds largest manufacturer of Silicon solar cells) there exists a "problem" in how this waste is disposed

Disposing of SiCl4 is easy and can be done cleanly. If it's not being disposed properly it's definitely a political and not a technical problem.
I live in a country where landfills are simply prohibited - it's simply a political decision and not a technical problem. Apart from disposing highly radioactive waste, here are effective waste disposing solutions in place and foreign waste is even imported to produce electricity and heat.

Unfortunately, the world needs power now.

Efficiency, wind power, small hydro, solar hot water heating, geothermal heating and photovoltaics etc. is available now:

And in 2008 PV already installed 5.5 GW with a growth of 129% compared to 2007.

Greater effeciency and conservation will only go so far if modern lifestyles are to be maintained.

Actually, I would consider the Danish lifestyle to be higher than the US lifestyle and yet:

Denmark (0% nuclear power and 0% hydro power):
and 10.94 t of CO2/capita
and $67,387 GDP/capita

and 19.95 t of CO2/capita
and $47,103 GDP/capita

Once the Danish agree that the ONLY way their level of wind generation can be supported is by Swedish hydro, German coal generation and French nuclear generation supporting their wind generators during those inevitably regular periods when "the wind doesn't blow", we might get to a real discussion. BTW, Denmark's CO2 emissions per capita have actually INCREASED during their development of the wind industry, as opposed to France, which uses 78% nuclear to produce electricity.

When I see SOME realism and evidence of nuclear opponents being able to read scientific and engineering documents in the arguments, I'll re-visit.

Of course, none of those costs had anything to do with this

So, quantify for us the costs of repairs after the attack.

Let's be wild about it and say it was half the total cost. Thus the breeder reactor cost "only" 4,550 million Euros, still generating 3,392 million kWh. So we get 1.34 Euros/kWh, which at today's exchange rates is US$1.89/kWh.

Of course, a few rpgs probably did rather less damage than that... but if you have information that it was more, please show us.

Or else take your red herring and toss it back, it's too small.

It wasn't just the rocket attack, can't people read for content anymore?!

Sabotage, delays from protests, AND a rocket attack!

I'll eat your herring, pickled.

Again, quantify this for us.

Of the 9.6 billion Euros cost, how much was due to rocket attacks, sabotage and the ensuing delays?

Tell us this, and we can calculate the "true" cost of this reactor's electricity.

I would ask you to apply your methodology to my homeland. It should be fast to do:
We have no coal
We have no gas
We have no oil
We have no uranium

We have until around 2050 to put in place renewable technologies to provide for our energy needs.

As we have no resources and we have not put in place renewable technologies to provide for our energy needs, tomorrow when I wake up I will have a problem, according to your thinking.

You have made a nice excercise, but the energy problem is universal, not Australian. You are assuming that your resources will stay in Australia, but they will go wherever they are paid in the world, for the benefit of the owners of the resources and leaving the australian cars unfuelled.

I don't know where you live Trabirio, but the energy mix is something unique to a country/region particular set of circumstances.

In Quebec, where I live, we've been blessed with large amounts of hydro. So much that hydro currently fulfills 40% of all of our energy needs — 694 PJ out of 1,718 PJ. Because of the decisions we've made 40 years ago — and we took a lot of heat for that choice in the past —, we've decreased our use of imported oil by 20% between 1981 and 2006, from 804.6 to 632.1 PJ (some Quebec numbers in this French Wikipedia article).

In our case, we'll probably be OK for the next 40 years. But our scenario will be quite different from Australia. Different circumstances, different energy needs and patterns of consumption. We'll end up doing a lot of energy efficiency improvements (and there is a lot to be done in that area), refurbish our existing hydro plants and our sole nuclear reactor. We'll also build a few thousand MW of wind (+4,000 MW by 2015) hydro (+2,400 MW currently under construction) and biomass generation, while exploring the potential of a shale gas play located between our two largest cities.

My main point here is this: there is no silver bullet, no "one size fits all scenario" applicable worldwide. It would be too easy. The best scenarios involve taking into account the particular circumstances of each country. Is wind, solar, enhanced geothermal, wave power practical at your location? If none of these option makes sense, then comes the hard choice: nuclear, with all the pros and cons.

Wind and Solar aren't practical in Germany but they're just going to spend big bucks to do it anyways.

Actually besides the fact that wind power in Germany does lower electricity prices (the consumers pay less for the feed in tariffs than what wind power lowers electricity prices) and reduced its natural gas consumption:,2147183

Since Germany supported wind power early on, not only did it create over 90'000 productive jobs (which as opposed to non-productive bankers don't require bailouts) it also exported over 83% of its wind turbines:


Thanks for this illuminating post and follow up comments. Very informative as always.

I am curious about concentrating solar power. According to information I read on the Solar One and Solar Two projects in California, a 160 km x 160 km patch of Nevada desert covered by giant CSP farms utilizing existing technology could generate electrical power equal to all the energy consumption of the continental US from all sources. Similarly, a 1,000 km x 1,000 km area in North Africa could generate electrical power equivalent to the entire energy consumption of the world (est. in 2005). Those are awfully bold claims, and I'd like to hear your professional opinions on them.

The Desertec Project claims that there would be only a 3% loss of power per 1,000 km with high voltage undersea / overland DC power cables from diverse CSP facilities in North African countries to Europe. Assuming the remaining technological challenges and cost issues are resolved, what remains is political and financial. But those have real enough challeges too. If Desertec is feasible in Afica and Europe, then isn't there a potential that Western Australia could well be the Saudi Arabia of solar for Asia? Political stability would undoubtedly be an important consideration for buy in by countries like China, Japan and Thailand.

I understand that CSP has some very real challenges, notably in energy (heat) storage. Molten salts seems very promising, but the challenge is keeping it hot enough long enough to generate power through a cloudy period or overnight, let alone a few days. However, perhaps this challenge is not insumountable. The utilization of a portion of the CSP generation to desalinate seawater for use on desert farms and nearby cities seems to be an important benefit as well.

There are many potential renewable energy solution. Virtually all of them work from a technical perspective. The problem with their adoption is the cost. At present the cost of building a new coal fired power station is around US$1,200 per kW and the plant will be available to generate power for around 8000 hours per year. The cost of building solar thermal(CSP) is currently between US$2500 and $3000 and be able to generate power for only about 2000 hours per year. This will raise the cost of the power produced to about 4 times the current level using coal. At the moment the only reason these plants are being built now is due to various subsidies and incentives from government. However, eventually renewables will be the only game in town, because the price of coal (or CO2 emissions) will be many times the current level and therefore coal will become too expensive to use for power generation. The general public will then have to pay for the power at the higher price.

In the relationship between the various renewable technologies. At the moment solar thermal power is more expensive than wind but cheaper than solar PV. It appears there will be quite rapid improvements in the cost/kW of solar PV but improvements in solar thermal and wind are likely to be relatively small. Solar PV and thermal have the advantage in that generation occurs during the day when we use most electricity ie. they match the demand well. Unfortunately they miss out on the demand early in the morning and in the afternoon/evening. Solar thermal has the potential to redress this shortfall by the addition of thermal storage. Thsi could extend the usable range to match exactly our daily demand curve. If this technology works then it could well put solar thermal in a better economic position than wind.

The jury is still out on which technolody will be the winner. I suspect that, in the future, say 50 years time, we will have a mix of all three along with some nuclear (thorium breeder reactors).

Thank you Phoenix. 2,000 hours is not a lot by comparison to the tried and true (and cheap) coal power plants. However, I believe the days of fossil fuels will decrease in numbers once carbon tariffs start to kick in internationally, and price increases on transportation fuels escalate shipping costs and affect the price of coal and other commodities. That would, in my view, speed the investment in a mix of renewables, much of which is possible to introduce at a smaller, decentralized scale.

At present the cost of building a new coal fired power station is around US$1,200 per kW

I'd be very curious as to where those costs come from - that sounds like the cost for old, dirty plants. In the US, new plants are above $4,000 per KW, even without sequestration or CO2 costs of any kind.

thx for presenting this interesting and pragmatic approach to 'set the stage'. I like simple but correct calculations for reality checks which can keep a discussion on track. In your cost calculation I wonder, however, if one should not include the enormous fuel cost savings. As soon as the renewable energy harvesting infrastructure operates and grows less and less fuel has to be purchased - at least a region which has no non-renewable resources in its soils and has to buy it from the outside would feel this lifted burden. The calculation below followed a discussion we had years ago after the G8 summit in Petersburg (2006 I guess?)

... lately we speculated over a coffee, if the amount the G8 discuss / intend to spend for boosting oil promotion, is in billion or trillion US$(for background info see btw in those days nobody was really used to think in trillion US$). I couldn't keep my fingers from a little exercise - what could 17 trillion US$ change if invested it in PV instead (these are 12 zeros after all !)

In today's costs of approx. 6000US$/kWp (installed & small scale PV) this would result in an installed PV capacity of 3TW, annually producing 3PWh (if yield is 1kWh/a per installed 1Wp). If we assume a conversion efficiency of 10%, this 17GUS$ PV power plant would cover 30'000km2 (or 173x173km2, almost Switzerland). Oil contains approx. 10kWh_therm and produces 3kWh_elec per liter, thus this could replace approx. 1000 billion liters of oil or approx. 6Gb/a which equals approx. one fifth of the world production *). Would we re-invest the savings in oil expenditures into new PV installations we could add 80GW or 2.6% of the installed capacity (@ 70 US$/b) every year. This growth rate would allow doubling the installed capacity within 26years... **)

*) assuming that most of the services which currently oil delivers would improve considerably if we would first transform it to electricity i.e. electric vehicles and electric heat pumps.
**) of course prices would fall drastically in such mass produced technologies and the doubling time could shorten, but on the other hand costs were not accounted for (maintenance, grid connection, storage needs etc.)

An interesting look at the problem from the other direction.

BTW I have added the cost aspect of fuel saving into the mix for the next post we are doing which looks at the same analysis but from a whole world perspective.

$5000 per kW for PV on average are too high for a long term calculation:

First Solar has already reached $980 per kW:
QS Solar aims at $750 per kW:
Oerlikon Solar even aims at $700 per kW by 2010 (and currently is at $1500 per kW).

Since the module costs are significantly higher than the installation costs and converter costs it's unlikely that PV will cost $5000 kW per kW in the long term future.

Also solar heating is less costly and can heat cool as well as cool buildings and thus reduce the heating fuel as well as the electricity demand:

China installed almost 17 GW of solar heating in 2007 alone (17 GW in one single year !).

You left out OTEC. It is a technology which could provide all of eastern Australia's electricity. The close proximity of most of Oz's people to the tropical and subtropical waters to this huge energy reserve is obvious. Some innovations could improve the feasibility of OTEC and export of these innovations could be a wealth maker for Australians.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I was involved in trying to get an OTEC project off the ground about 20 years ago. Despite the almost ideal location (east coast Taiwan) they could not make the financials even come close to working. I understand that there may have been some developments in cycle design since then but I still think it will be marginal because of the very high costs involved. If it ever does get deployed it will probably be confined to a few well suited areas such as Hawaii, Taiwan etc. I don't see how it could work in Australia with our very wide/shallow continental shelf.

No currently viable technology exists for large scale smelting of iron ore using renewable energy sources.

How about Direct Reduced Iron fed a reducing gas (CO and H2) produced from air and water via electrolysis and the Sabatier Process? (It may be that H2 is a sufficient reducing gas on its own, as there's a full pathway from Fe3O4 to Fe using just H2, removing the need for the Sabatier Process entirely.)

This is a considerable commitment involving the expenditure at current values of 2.3% of GDP or $25 billion per year...Unfortunately this will only complete the conversion task in around 160 years.

$25B per year, for 160 years, gives $4,000 billion.

Let us assume we expend 5% of the entire Australian GDP... This expenditure amounts to $54 Billion (2009 Dollars) per year. At this rate we will complete the task in around 74 years.

$54B per year, for 74 years, gives $3,996 billion.

...38 years of proven reserves of fossil fuel energy remaining in the ground...we could elect to undertake the transition in the period dictated by our remaining fossil fuel reserves. In this case we would need to expend $95 Billion per year or around 9% of GDP to complete the exercise by 2051.

95B per year, for 38 years, gives $3,610 billion.

On the other hand, at the top we see:

"The total direct cost of revamping Australia’s energy production infrastructure will be in the order of $2,200 Billion."

australia is toast
new sealand is toast
a rising tide floods all continents

solar is a sham
wind is a scam
nuclear makes good bombs
fusion makes good pork
oil is almost gone
coal is full of mercury
but aren't those humans already mad as hatters?
tides bring nice rocks
and show the shellfish's cocks

plastic recycling is a scam
you can burn it to cook your ham
just like the third world does today
so you will do tomorrow

people just want to be happy
but i am here to tell them that they aren’t going to be happy
i am here to tell them that the world’s gonna be a shithole real soon

they will be homeless, jobless, busted, in jail or dead soon
90% of the world’s fish are extinct
the planet is almost dead already
humans will soon be killing each other over the last scraps of food

there will be no rescue
there will be no divine fucking intervention
there will not be a ‘better day’
better days already passed long ago

there will be ‘worse days’, and ‘worser days’ after them
there will be killing, murder, rape, rape of children, killing and eating of children
on a scale not yet seen before
don't worry about dogfood
your dog will soon be food
there will be acts committed that we don’t even have words for yet
and that will be just the beginning

just the beginning of a new deathlife for the survivors
their own private horrorshow filled with coming attractions

each day they will pray
for a nuclear war to wash away
the pain of gray

There seems to be another calculation error.

If we start replacing fossil fuels over a 40 year period, we'll be 25% done in 10 years, yes? We'll be using 25% less FF. In 20 years, we'll be 50% done. We'll be using 50% less FF. In 30 years, we'll be using 75% less. At the end of 40 years, we'll be using none, and have 50% of a 40 year supply of FF left.

Therefore, according to this simplified model, we really have 76 years to replace FF (that's how it works out - it's a bit like paying off the principal of a mortgage). Now, of course this is oversimplified, and we really want to replace FF (and coal in particular) in 20 years, not 80, but the calculation error is real. It looks like we really don't have to worry about running out of FF before we finish installing renewables.

And, in this scenario, we're talking about $2,200B over 76 years, or $28.9B per year, or about 2.7% of Australia's GDP. Pretty doable. Really quite cheap, in fact, when you consider there's no fuel cost.

I'd say we can stop worrying about running out of fossil fuels, and start worrying about how to stop using them before we run out, to mitigate climate change.

In other words, we're going to have to make a conscious choice to stop using coal and other FF - geology isn't going to do it for us.

For better or worse.

we're talking about $2,200B over 76 years, or $28.9B per year, or about 2.7% of Australia's GDP. Pretty doable. Really quite cheap, in fact, when you consider there's no fuel cost.

For what it's worth, Australia currently consumes:

  • 150M tons of coal at $100/ton = $15B/yr
  • 0.9Mb/d of oil at $70/bbl = $24B/yr
  • 930Mcuft of natural gas = ~1B Gj @ $3.50/Gj = $3.5B

So Australia's already spending over $40B/yr on fuel; if prices don't change, that would increase to $100B (in today's dollars) due to the 150% growth the author expects.

Accordingly, each 1% of energy provided by renewables instead of fossil fuels is worth roughly $0.7B/yr in fuel savings alone. If fossil fuels are phased out between now and 2050, total savings would be $1,800B, with ongoing savings of over $100B/yr. That's not even taking into account (1) displaced costs (e.g., new coal-fired power plants that would have had to be built without renewable to take their place), and (2) health and other indirect costs of burning coal (which can be tens of billions themselves, and rival the direct costs).

This tells us two things:

  1. Spending on energy is already a sizeable fraction of GDP.
  2. Converting to renewable energy will largely pay for itself by direct and indirect savings.