Space Based Solar Power ?

With Space Solar Power in the news this week, we got our wires crossed and ended up with two Space Solar Power posts. I thought I would put them both up at the same time (see post below Drumbeat), so people who want a different point of view can get one. Gail

Californian utility PG&E caused a stir in the media recently with an announcement that they are seeking approval from state regulators for a power purchase agreement with Solaren Corp. to deliver 200 MW of power by 2016 for a 15 year period.

Californian utilities have been signing deals with a wide range of renewable energy providers in recent years in order to meet the state's mandated clean energy targets - the unusual aspect of this announcement is that Solaren is proposing to generate the power using solar panels in earth orbit, then convert it to radio frequency energy for transmission to a receiving station in Fresno County where it will be fed into the grid.

PG&E's Next 100 blog has an interview with Solaren CEO Gary Spirnak, in which he claims that while this will be the world's first SSP plant, and no system of this scale and exact configuration has been built before, the "underlying technology is very mature and is based on communications satellite technology". PG&E has promised to buy the power at an agreed-upon rate (comparable to the rate specified in other agreements for renewable-energy purchases) according to company spokesman Jonathan Marshall, however neither PG&E nor Solaren are saying what that rate is. PG&E is not making an up-front investment in Solaren's venture.

PG&E's interest in this sort of ambitious project is prompted by California's mandates to obtain 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2010 and 33 percent by 2020.

The benefits of space based solar power

If Solaren (or other companies pursuing similar ambitions, such as Heliosat, Space Energy, Space Island Group, Powersat and the Welsom Space Consortium) can collect solar energy in space and transmit it to earth they will have opened up a significant new energy resource. The sun's energy is almost continuously available to a satellite located in a geosynchronous orbit about the earth (leading promoters of space based solar power schemes to dub it "baseload solar power").

A 2007 study by the Pentagon’s National Security Space Office which included representatives from DOE/NREL, DARPA, Boeing and Lockheed-Martin found that a one-kilometer-wide band of space in earth orbit receives enough solar energy in just one year (approximately 212 terawatt-years) nearly equal to “the amount of energy contained within all known recoverable conventional oil reserves on Earth today” (approximately 250 TW-yrs). The Pentagon study suggested such a system could be tested as early as 2012, with the likely first customer being the US military.

There are a number of key advantages that make space based solar power an interesting alternative to ground-based solar power:

  • There is more energy to be collected - the sun is more intense in orbit than on the surface of the Earth
  • Space based systems can collect energy almost around the clock
  • Ground-based systems suffer from weather phenomena such as clouds, precipitation, and dust - space based system do not (though the increasing amount of junk in orbit poses a similar hazard)
  • Real estate costs are minimal - the only land that need be acquired is the land for the receiving station.
  • Transmission line costs are greatly reduced compared to remote generation facilities if the ground station is located near existing transmission lines
The video below is from the National Space Society, showing what a space based solar plant might look like.


There are 2 primary challenges to making space based solar a reality.

The first is the technological challenge of making a scheme like this work - this is not been so much converting solar energy into radio frequencies (which has been done before, though not on Solaren’s scale) - but in getting a supersized solar array into space and successfully commissioning it.

The second challenge is one of economics - can the cost involved in building a solar power plant in space ever be competitive with ground based concentrating solar thermal, regular solar PV or thin film solar power plants.

Plans for space based solar have traditionally included kilometre long structures of solar arrays connected to satellites, and launching thousands of tons of heavy metal into orbit is exorbitantly expensive.

Solaren's Spirnak says he has a solution - “We want to take the weight out of these systems. We came up with this design concept to break these things into pieces instead of trying to construct many, many kilometers of structures in orbit, which would essentially be unbuildable.”

Instead, his station will consist of two to four components that will float free in space (kept in alignment by software controls and small booster rockets rather than heavy wires, cables and struts). According to Solaren’s patent, an inflatable Mylar mirror a kilometer in diameter will collect and concentrate sunlight on a smaller mirror that will focus the rays on the solar array. By adopting a concentrating solar power approach, a smaller and lighter array can be deployed, reducing the cost of lifting the components of the structure into orbit.

At this point there is little information about cost available for Solaren's proposal, though Grist quotes Spirnak as saying the price tag for the 200-megawatt solar power station for PG&E will be “in the several billion dollar range” and will require 4 or 5 rocket launches.


The concept of space based solar power was first proposed in 1941 by science fiction author Isaac Asimov in his book “Reason,” about a space station that collects solar energy and beams it to Earth.

Wikipedia's article on the topic includes a good timeline of developments in the field, noting that Dr Peter Glaser was granted a US patent in 1973 for his "method of transmitting power over long distances (eg, from an SPS to the Earth's surface) using microwaves from a very large (up to one square kilometer) antenna on the satellite to a much larger one on the ground, now known as a rectenna".

Asimov continued to promote the idea throughout his life, with this talk (part 1, part 2) on "Threats To Humanity", delivered to The Humanist Institute In New York in 1989, in which he described the threats of global warming and fossil fuel depletion, and recommended the solution as space based solar power whose delivery is managed by a federal world government / "stable world order".

Another peak oil observer who has regularly promoted the idea of space based solar power is JD at Peak Oil Debunked, who has looked at the idea of solar power plants based on the moon a number of times (Lunar Solar Power, More on Lunar Solar Power).


Another space based energy panacea, using helium 3 from the moon to fuel fusion reactors, has caused some cynics to mutter that this is just a scheme to funnel large amounts of funds to well connected aerospace companies. I suspect that similar charges will be laid against spaced based solar power plans until the economics of them can be proven to match those of terrestrial renewable energy projects.

The authors of the Pentagon report mentioned earlier noted that space based solar “has the potential to be a disruptive game changer on the battlefield ... [enabling] entirely new force structures and capabilities such as ultra long endurance airborne or terrestrial surveillance or combat systems” - which implies that there might be more than one reason for wanting to deploy space based solar power - like the symbiosis between nuclear weapons development and the nuclear power industry, it may be that space based solar power provides a civilian friendly reason for building 'star wars" type platforms in space.

Cryptogon has some speculation along these lines, and goes on to wonder if this is another possible example of the introduction of technology developed in "black" military projects (there is a section in my "Shockwave Rider" review that talks about the 5000 secret patents registered by the USPTO) into the civilian sector (echoing his speculation about the role of the new GM CEO appointed by the Obama administration).

Another skeptic commenting on the Solaren proposal at Peak Energy wondered cynically if this was a form of greenwashing by PG&E, saying "This is an opportunity for PG&E to get some free green publicity and "demonstrate" their interest in meeting their RPS requirements. When the power doesn't appear in 2016, they can just throw up their hands and say "we tried, not our fault"."

Most skeptics focus purely on the economics though, with the Motley Fool declaring Space-Based Solar? That's Just Silly and Energy & Capital asking "Why would anyone be interested in space-based solar power when commercial utility scale solar technology on the ground today costs 0.3% of its price?" in The Solar Race Will Be Lost in Space.

Cross posted from Our Clean Energy Future.

for what it's worth when I tried their website at 20:44 on Sunday
I got a "site disabled because bandwidth exceeded" msg. from the 3rd party hosting co. their website is on

I get a security message warning that 'the site may be trying to fool you' - that seems likely to me! - at best, this is an R&D proposal IMO. Discuss stuff like this if something like it is shown to actually work (at a profit) at the Earth's surface. Proposals like this have been made for most of my long life and we still don't have a working system - probably for the very good reason it isn't affordable or profitable at today's prices!

This sort of discussion reminds me of the one we had on TOD about Steorn and their machine that supposedly broke the 2nd law of thermodynamics a while back.

There's no end to it -- one techno fix after another. Always based on the idea that there's a huge amount of energy out there -- if we are smart enough, we can get to it.

Matter is energy. E=mc^2 showed that. So the amount of energy right in our finger nail clippings could put us into orbit. So it's totally beside the point. If the various forms of energy were easy to get, we would have blown ourselves up long ago. No -- we would never even have evolved.

We KNOW that radically reducing our energy consumption is possible. But that we don't do because there's no profit in it, never mind its not being a path to world domination. So that route, the one we must eventually take one way or another, doesn't make the list.

To some extent it reminds me of the all the old schemes, some immensely clever, to build perpetual motion machines, despite the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

The problem is that there in no equivalent to the 2nd law of thermodynamics in regard to peak oil and peak energy. There does not seem to be some general law that absolutely precludes harnessing vast new sources of energy. So one is over and over again confronted with new schemes. Many of them require a good degree of technical expertise to evaluate, because on the surface there is no abvious reason they could not work, if only the total EREOI were right. But to show that isn't the case is what's so difficult.

As a general rule, there is a huge escalation is in infrastructure and technology requirements, and exactly how huge they are and accounting for all of them could be a big job. And by the time one does it, one has technical people in fierce debates that are unintelligible to laymen.

But this much can be said: all of these schemes, including all forms of nuclear power too, BTW, depend on the continuance and stability of our current industrial ane technical infrastructure -- they are not robust. They are therefore gigantic gambles.

We are asked to gamble on technology fixes that most cannot evaluate, instead of even giving serious consideration to the one option that we know will address the issue.

I hasten to add that the techno fixes also have in common the feature that they ignore "peak everything", as Heinberg puts, as well as further damaging the natural ecology which is the ONLY resource we'll have left when we do come to our senses.


One little question about this particular scheme -- no dangers attending to the little problem of getting the energy down to the ground?

Along the same lines, 5000 secret patents Sounds like time to shut down the Patent Office.

It's not that the system doesn't work; more like it works entirely wrong.

I'm paying to issue secret patents? F*ck that.

cfm somewhere

Since you can't do a patent search (I presume) on secret patents, how could they even enforce the stupid things? :-/

As Wolfgang Pauli used to say "this isn't right, it's not even wrong!"

When you attempt to register your own patent, the patent office does a search, and if your patent matches something secret, they tell you it already exists and you can't have it. Generally the government forcibly buys your patent from you.

"all of these schemes, including all forms of nuclear power too, BTW, depend on the continuance and stability of our current industrial ane technical infrastructure -- they are not robust. They are therefore gigantic gambles."

Hey, culture and civilization have always been "gigantic gambles". But most humans felt it was worth the gamble to rise above living like an ape in the woods, subject to slavery to the apes who were willing to take the gamble. Sorry, that bet was made 10,000 plus years ago.

As far as risk, most of us live with the risk of airliners and helicopters crashing into our house or workplace or a train full of toxic chemicals leaving the track and poisoning us before we even know what happened everyday. We just don't think about it all that often. Technology has always created risks, some of them horrific (think Bhopal, India)

Having said that, I am not very keen on the space based solar idea, by the way. There are too many cheaper ways to do it on the ground, and retain some of the great advantages of ground based solar energy: Decentralization, redundancy, and the fact that PV and even solar thermal or solar chimney systems can be built and tested in smaller units, thus breaking up the financial cost of capital. This is an advantage that solar has even over nuclear...unless you go with the sky based erector set. But the big aerospace contractors and the military will love this sky based mess, and will be able to swing the greens over to their side soon enough.


RE: 'Swinging the Greens over..'

They may convince the Swanker boardmembers of WWF or Sierra Club on 'Ordained Orbital Power: Solar', but I doubt they'll get any kind of a lovefest from the membership.. it smells too much of Lockheed-Martin and Perchlorate. Greens on the ground floor are running for the gardens.. even the Big Biz atmosphere of the hardcore Wind Industry is a bit of a Faustian Bargain for many of the little people in the Environmental Movement. While I will argue the birdkill issue to some degree, as with Darwins Dog last month or so, I am far from a Devotee who will write a blank check to overscaled technology.

Scaling it to match with our residential and business rooftops seems to me the most sensible way to use that land 'twice'.

I suspect the military would like this stuff, although not for the advertised purpose of creating power for land apps. If significant public money was spent trying to develop this stuff, what is the most likely outcome? I think the most likely outcome is an increase in the ability to do spacecraft based PV arrays, but that these would still be astronomically too expensive for the SPS application. But, any military or nonmilitary satellite designer would be drooling over the possibility to have a several times larger power budget. Kindof a slippery backdoor way to get something.

Hey, culture and civilization have always been "gigantic gambles". But most humans felt it was worth the gamble to rise above living like an ape in the woods, subject to slavery to the apes who were willing to take the gamble. Sorry, that bet was made 10,000 plus years ago.

Actually that could only be true if civilizations were planned, not a single civilization ever was. Civilizations evolve and are highly dependent on a number of very specific a priori conditions. If they weren't then peoples like the Australian Aborigines would have developed civilizations similar to that of the Egyptians since there are no underlying biological differences between the two and they are equally intelligent and equally capable. Jared Diamond's book Guns Germs and Steel does an excellent job of explaining how and why this happens.

Unfortunately humans seem to be built in a way that makes it very difficult for them to understand that they are not special and their civilizations are subject to natural laws, including the exponential function.

I would be much more impressed if humans civilizations started to live within their means. Not that I don't believe that it can't happen but every time I hear someone make a statement such as "we have risen above the apes", it really underscores the fact that humans (great apes) really haven't a clue.

I had a similar feeling on reading that text from ThatsItImout.

My take on it was to recall (vaguely) Stephan J Gould and the Left Wall.

When we say that that "choice" was made 10,000 years ago... that's projection really, isn't it. Did humanity 10,000 years ago really "choose" or were they at the left wall and drunkenly moved right?

This kind of thinking/projection is a habit among those (typically middle class westerners with high speed broad band) with choices... passing judgment or expressing an opinion on those with a much more restricted range of choices, either historically (as above) or for people in developing nations.

Word for the day... empathy.

(The Left Wall refers to the concept that there are statistical distributions (ie not normal distributions) where it is impossible to move to the left and that the only possibility is a move to the right (or extinction)... how far depends on stochastic processes.)

There was some mention of Asimov and energy above.

I was reminded of this Asimov story (which I think I was introduced to either thru Big Gavs site or TOD). The metaphysical theme of the story is what happens if you crave and pursue unlimited energy supply...

I don't think I ever posted that story, but I do remember reading it as a kid...

One little question about this particular scheme -- no dangers attending to the little problem of getting the energy down to the ground?

The game Simcity had (and presumably still has) a space based power option that would occasionally fry cities.

However the danger of this sort of malfunction seems exaggerated (well - you won't burst into flames anyway - what the long term health effects of being bathed in some additional radiation are I'm not so sure) - according to Wikipedia (ie. take with a grain of salt :

The use of microwave transmission of power has been the most controversial issue in considering any SPS design, but any thought that anything which strays into the beam's path will be incinerated is an extreme misconception. Consider that quite similar microwave relay beams have long been in use by telecommunications companies world wide without such problems.

At the earth's surface, a suggested microwave beam would have a maximum intensity, at its center, of 23 mW/cm2 (less than 1/4 the solar irradiation constant), and an intensity of less than 1 mW/cm2 outside of the rectenna fenceline[40] (10 mW/cm2 is the current United States maximum microwave exposure standard). In the United States, the workplace exposure limit (10 mW/cm2) is at present, per the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)[45], expressed in voluntary language and has been ruled unenforceable for Federal OSHA enforcement.

The beam's most intense section (more or less, at its center) is far below dangerous levels even for an exposure which is prolonged indefinitely. [46] Furthermore, exposure to the center of the beam can easily be controlled on the ground (eg, via fencing), and typical aircraft flying through the beam provide passengers with a protective shell metal (ie, a Faraday Cage), which will intercept the microwaves. Other aircraft (balloons, ultralight, etc) can avoid exposure by observing airflight control spaces, as is currently done for military and other controlled airspace. Over 95% of the beam energy will fall on the rectenna. The remaining microwave energy will be absorbed and dispersed well within standards currently imposed upon microwave emissions around the world.[47]

As for techno-fixes, I think you should address each one on its merits - this one seems exorbitantly expensive and probably impractical, but I strongly believe we can meet all our energy needs using a combination of wind, solar (solar thermal, thin film, PV and passive), geothermal, biogas and ocean (tidal and wave) power, and a largely electrified transport infrastructure (combined with some biofuel usage).

Just like Nuclear Fusion, this satellite power stuff is another example of Biffvernon's "Peculiar Theory of Relativity"...

...Commercial nuclear fusion is 40 years away. It has been 40 years away for a long time - and always will be 40 years away, no matter how fast scientists and engineers work...

Commercial nuclear fusion is 40 years away. It has been 40 years away for a long time - and always will be 40 years away, no matter how fast scientists and engineers work...

Actually its worse than that. When I started working on Fusion in 79, it was only 25years away. And a retirement aged fellow who'd been working on it from the beginning, thought it was a simple bait-and-switch job when he started. The feeling was they would crack it within a couple of years, and then switch the recruited scientists into Nuclear weapons work. So it has gone from 2 years away, to 25, and now 40 or 50!

Is it Nassim writes about that? The probability of big projects to fade into increasing distance if they aren't completed on time the first time?

"Who knows, perhaps the horse will learn to sing hymns."
"Would you bet on it?"
Charlie looked out of the curve of her arm. "At these odds? Curse, yes!"
"Crazy Eddie!"
"Yes. A Crazy Eddie solution. What else is there? One way or another, the Cycles end now. Crazy Eddie has won his eternal war against the Cycles." Jock looked to Ivan and met a shrug. Charlie had gone Crazy Eddie. It hardly mattered now; it was, in fact, a fine and enviable madness, this delusion that all questions have answers, and nothing is beyond the reach of a strong left arm.

Yes, it would be good to get some idea of the dangers. What would happen if the source somehow or other started some weird gyrations--there are many possible causes, such as space debris--and the beam of energy started swinging wildly? How does the beam of energy affect anything that could get in its path? What provisions are there for shutdown in case of malfunction?

As for the argument that such a system presupposes the continuance of our technical civilization and a stable world order--and thus means the continued exploitation of our limited resources,...yes, but...Are we doomed to return to an existence somewhat like what Haiti has today? Shouldn't we at least try to find a solution, instead of throwing up our hands in the air and giving it all up?

Peak oil provides a prediction and a challenge. Is there some sort of anti-technological imperative operating in these critiques? So long as we do have the capability and the means, why not try? Or is there some fount of wisdom and insight unavailable to we poor mortals that says we must just stop trying, lay down and die? What's the point? Sure, things wear out, resources are depleted, but in a universe as immense as ours, surely there are many sources of exploitable energy other than oil? I wonder if the peak wood people felt this way? Did they just advocate that we give up because we'd never find another source of energy like wood?

Predictions of doom seem to be a constant ingredient of the human condition. There are so many thousands of such predictions around. And all of them presuppose some supernaturally acquired knowledge of limits and terminations, some alleged higher moral conviction than most of us have. I just don't see it. I don't accept it. I recognize no higher authority. I do not accept these claims as valid or persuasive. They are bogus.

Peak oil provides a prediction and a challenge. Is there some sort of anti-technological imperative operating in these critiques? So long as we do have the capability and the means, why not try? Or is there some fount of wisdom and insight unavailable to we poor mortals that says we must just stop trying, lay down and die? What's the point?

Not to speak for others here, but you don't seem to be getting the gist of my own criticisms of space-based power. The point is that we have very little time and very few opportunities left. Blowing our remaining energy on wildly implausible fantasies under the guise of "optimism" is simply a bad idea. By all means we should try our best; and part of "our best" is subjecting any floated proposals to rigorous reality-checking to prevent a disastrous misallocation of resources at a crucial time. Declining energy & resources, declining return on investment in complexity, means fewer do-overs and second chances. Space-based power is currently impractical on its face. It's simply not credible enough to stand up to the level of review that TOD offers.

Sure, things wear out, resources are depleted, but in a universe as immense as ours, surely there are many sources of exploitable energy other than oil? I wonder if the peak wood people felt this way? Did they just advocate that we give up because we'd never find another source of energy like wood?

The belief that the universe has been constructed in exactly such a way that new sources of scalable energy will always become available to humans "just in time" - if we're only clever enough - is simply one sort of religious mythology, even if it's gussied up as high tech. Absent some sort of special, privileged cosmological status for hairless apes, this is a wildly unlikely assumption.

Predictions of doom seem to be a constant ingredient of the human condition. There are so many thousands of such predictions around. And all of them presuppose some supernaturally acquired knowledge of limits and terminations, some alleged higher moral conviction than most of us have.

Actually, most of the predictions I see on TOD which are classed as "doomy" simply reflect the fact that the limits to growth are well understood, and becoming better understood, and human populations seem to be beyond them. In rejecting the supernatural, rejecting magical thinking, one gets a glimpse of how the universe operates. It's no coincidence that these glimpses seem depressing, because a denial of limits is what has gotten us into this pickle.

Space-based power is currently impractical on its face. It's simply not credible enough to stand up to the level of review that TOD offers.

Is there any chance the rest of us could be enlightened as to the specific "science" in the "review" you reference?

Is there any chance the rest of us could be enlightened as to the specific "science" in the "review" you reference?

Read the comments in the two strings currently running, and the links to the comments other times it has come up on TOD. You'll get it or you won't. Despite the informality of the TOD comment process, and some spurious comments, there is a pretty high signal-to-noise ratio of salient critique.

Is there some sort of anti-technological imperative operating in these critiques?

What makes you ask "some sort of"? It appears to be quite blatant.

Whether we're talking about space-based solar, carbon capture and sequestration, batteries for EVs, or any of the million-and-one topics that come up, I think it's always worth taking a deep breath and forcing yourself to slow down and not leap to conclusions. In other words, we should approach these discussions like scientists: Go exactly where the data leads, and nowhere else.

For me, this means it's inescapably true that peak oil and climate chaos are both real, huge, and imminent problems. And some would-be solutions, like SBSP, CCS, and hydrogen fuel cell cars all have at least one killer flaw and don't look at all promising, unless one introduces a deus ex machina level of technological breakthrough or turn of events.

But it's always worth discussing these things and forcing ourselves to be rigorous and look at the hard data about what exists now, plus the most reasonable assumptions about what we're likely to develop in the near future. E.g. algae biodiesel is insignificant today, but everything I've read suggests that it's extremely promising and could be a welcome contributor to getting us off petroleum and onto something without all its nasty baggage (to put it mildly).

Gav, I dispute a couple of the listed advantages:

  • There is more energy to be collected - the sun is 8-10 times more intense in orbit than on the surface of the Earth
  • Space based systems can collect energy almost around the clock

Orbiting what? The solar intensity outside the atmosphere is 1.37 kW/meter^2 and perhaps 1 kW/m^2 at a good spot on the ground. You would have to keep the collector perpendicular to the sun in either case, and unless you were way way out, the sun will still go behind the earth. This might be easier for something way up high, but still. And if you are trying to beam EM energy down upon an antenna assembly, you have a similar geometric problem unless you keep the satellite directly overhead.

If microwaving energy around is such a great idea, why don't we instead beam it from a remote solar farm, say in Australia, hitting an orbiting "mirror" , and reflecting it down elsewhere?


Hi JB,

Yes - sorry - that first point you quote is wrong - I badly misread the paper and will fix the post (it is referring to geosynchronous orbit of the earth).

As for microwaving energy around, there seems to be a lot of disagreement about how lossy this is - but in any case, I agree that building large scale solar plants in the deserts is a lot cheaper and easier than putting solar farms up in space, regardless of how you transmit the power collected.

I agree solarPV/concentrating on land and Ultra High voltage DC trasmission cable From ABB 6400Mw 7% losses over 2100Km.
Makes a nonsense of all the articles saying that long distance tranmission is not economic. We have the soloutions we just need a plan longer than the present stock market driven goal of two quarters!
Article link
Pity only China is willing to invest and install it. But at least it will give some jobs in europe untill they copy it.
Here to hoping Europ wakes up in time

Speaking of questionable solutions, did anyone see the wild cold fusion speculations from Michael McKubre on 60 minutes tonight - the middle segment? Electric current + deuterium + palladium will solve our problems.


There's always a few nutbars jumping onto every issue. If you decide to eliminate every technology simply because of a few nutbars, then there's no option but Haiti.

Apart from the obvious cost difficulties, this faces many practical difficulties, too. To be able to beam back to a single station, the satellite would have to be in geosynchronous orbit - about 36,000km up. Getting it up there takes a lot more energy than to low earth orbit where we put the space station and the like. At first that looks like just a cost issue, but it underpins many of the technical issues I outline below.

The first issue is that if you have a 1km2 mylar sheet, the solar wind (the stream of particles it blasts into space along with its heat) and the very light it's designed to capture will blow the satellite out of position over time. The solar wind is such that people have actually planned spacecraft which use it to travel around the solar system. You can have manouvering rockets on board to counter this, but that uses up fuel - and you have to get the fuel up there, too, a few times over the several decades lifetime of the satellite.

Secondly, the Earth has a magnetosphere, that is its magnetic field shields it somewhat from high-energy particles from the Sun. Craft high up don't have that protection (which is one of the problems with long-range spaceflight, both manned and unmanned) and so would need to be heavily shielded (increasing the non-productive weight to put up there), or else would occasionally get blasted and destroyed. Repairs would be difficult to say the least.

Thirdly, beaming the energy back to Earth is difficult. As anyone who's ever had an electric torch knows, light spreads out. You can tighten the beam somewhat, but still over thousands of kilometres it'll spread out. So either your receiving station is really huge or else you lose a good chunk of the energy; if you're losing the energy anyway, why bother putting the station in space, the whole purpose of which was to get more energy?

Fourthly, the building of the thing would require several launches, and assembly in space. The International Space Station was planned for 12 years before the first modules were launched into orbit, and has been in construction for 10 years, still not finished - and it's only in Low Earth Orbit, not the geosynchronous orbit this thing would require.

Fifthly, geosynchronous orbit is already pretty crowded. Basically it's the plum spot for communications and spy satellites. It's one thing to whack another table-sized sat up there, it's another to put a 1km2 satellite up there.

The first and fifth points combine to make a maintenance nightmare. At orbital velocities of kilometres per second, the tiniest speck of dust becomes deadlier than a bullet. It whacks into the mylar sheet and makes a hole. Then the solar wind pulls on the sheet and tears that little hole into a big long rip. Much less or no power is produced by the thing. Then your power satellite is pushed more on one side than the other, and starts spinning.

You better have a lot of spare fuel on board, and a crew ready to head up there and repair it. You can't just chuck the old mylar sheet away, that's 1km2 of rubbish floating around in orbit at several kilometres per second, other satellite owners - especially those owning other power satellites - won't appreciate that kind of litter. So you have to roll it up. Fancy rolling up a 1km2 sheet? Do you know how to? Nope, neither does NASA or anyone else, no-one's had to do it before.

So even if the launches were completely free, there are a LOT of technical obstacles in the way of this kind of satellite.

Seems a lot easier to build the thing on the ground. I mean, does the Earth really lack big empty spaces for us to build power stations in? Not Australia, that's for bloody sure.

In re:

First: Not so much of a killer actually. The increase in orbital velocity imparted when going away from the sun is balanced by the decrease when approaching. Granted there is still a net push away from sun, but easily calculated by any rocket scientist, of which there appears to be many on the staff of this company. Specific orbital calculations you've done to back this up?

Second: Geo-sync communication satelite engineers have been dealing with this for decades. Again, specific calculations?

Third: Nonsense. Beam transmission engineers are a bit further along than flashlight manufacturers.

Fourth: Interview with Solaren CEO Gary Spirnak

Q: What gives you confidence that you can launch this system into space?

A: The SSP pilot plant satellites are designed to use existing launch capabilities. No new space launch vehicle capabilities need to be developed to launch our satellites into space. The SSP pilot plant design for the power satellites and ground receive station will be built and validated and the power satellites prepared for shipment to the launch site during the construction phase. At the launch site, the power satellites are launched into space using existing launch vehicle capabilities and moved to their final orbital positions.

Fifth: There are nearly unlimited slots available for "effectively geo-synchronous orbits" in a large series of slightly eliptical orbits where the high point of the elipse is some integral multiple of 100 km above the Clarke Orbit and the low point is some integral multiple of 100 km below the Clarke Orbit. (Presumes 100 km to be the required separation of satelites in geo orbit.) I call these the "Gould Orbits" until someone assigns a better name ;<] As seen from a setelite in the Clarke Orbit, a satelite in the "First Gould Orbit" will appear to start 100 km below and ahead of the Clark satelite, and in the course of 24 hours will travel a 100 km radius circle around it, gradually travelling somewhat above and behind, then back ahead and beneath. Install it half way between two Clarke positions, there need never be any concern for interference.

And BTW, your link talks almost exclusively about LEO space debris. Never is space "junk" mentioned as a problem at GEO altitudes.

How about some real science from you guys? Ah, mostly arts majors, I guess.

How about some real science from you guys? Ah, mostly arts majors, I guess.

Well there's your problem mister. You seem to think science is numbers, as opposed to logical statements.

Kiashu raised some excellent points. You answered them lamely.

You dismiss the "solar wind" point by stating that any rocket scientist could calculate it, and there are rocket scientists on the company's staff. But you ignore the large valid question: how to keep solar wind from mucking up the orbit of something that large without expending reaction mass... and then you demand specific calculations.

You then go on to answer all the other logical points by appealing to the authority of engineers in general or the CEO's press statements. We see no calculations from you, Len, and I'm not seeing much logic.

As I said, arts majors.

You seem to set more store in what a person majored in than the quality of the argument raised, Len. Lets see some critical thinking, some sort of coherent response to the points you are criticizing, if you're able.

I shouldn't respond to this, but its emblematic of the engineering-ad-absurdum religious worldview which too often masquerades as science.

And since your repetitious reply is easy to anticipate, I'll head it off by noting that I "majored" in geophysics and worked as one, and that that had very little to do with critical thinking skills other than being a decent starting point for the 35 years of study since.

There's nothing wrong with engineering; studying it simply doesn't in and of itself confer a complete analytical worldview. TOD is, collectively, a lot more sophisticated.

It wasn't me who claimed that "solar wind will present a sufficient problem to CSP satelites to make them impossible to operate". Let the claimer present some proof.

BTW, here's a table of available launcher costs as of 1995 (most recent I've done)

---------------------------- LEO 185 km -- Geosync - Thrust- Initial --- Price ----------- GEO
Type ---------------------- Payload kg ---- Payload ----------Mass kg - 1994 ------------ $ / ton

Atlas IIAS --------------- 8,610 ----------- 3,630 - 361,620 -- 234,000 $105,000,000 -- $28,925,620
Ariane 44L -------------- 7,700 ----------- 4,520 - 549,640 -- 470,000 $105,000,000 -- $23,230,088
Proton 8K82K / 8DM ---------- 0 --------- 2,500 - 902,100 -- 712,460 $70,000,000 ---- $28,000,000
LongMarch CZ3B -------------- 0 --------- 5,000 - 596,778 -- 403,150 $70,000,000 ---- $14,000,000
Athena II US ------------- 2,055 ------------- 591 - 0 -------- 0 ------- $24,000,000 --- $40,584,166
Taurus US -------------------- 0 ------------- 449 - 0 -------- 0 ------- $19,000,000 --- $42,307,692

Easy to see that at that time, using Russian or Chinese technology significantly helped costs. Costs today with inflation + technology advances likely similar. If British can get their new-tech H2 fueled air-breathing helium-cooled first-stage engine running reliably, will significantly reduce that.

It wasn't me who claimed that "solar wind will present a sufficient problem to CSP satelites to make them impossible to operate". Let the claimer present some proof.


Who said the stuff you quote? I didn't see it here, certainly not in the comment you're replying to, and a quick search of this string for either "CSP" or "impossible" only identifies your post above.

You seem to be just making stuff up randomly at this point, so I'll quit pointing that out.

Kaishu -- (Opening comment this series)

The first issue is that if you have a 1km2 mylar sheet, the solar wind (the stream of particles it blasts into space along with its heat) and the very light it's designed to capture will blow the satellite out of position over time. The solar wind is such that people have actually planned spacecraft which use it to travel around the solar system. You can have manouvering rockets on board to counter this, but that uses up fuel - and you have to get the fuel up there, too, a few times over the several decades lifetime of the satellite.

Reading challenged as well?

It appears to be you who's "reading challenged".

First up, you misread my name.

Second, nowhere in my writing did I say that it was "impossible". I said that it faced "many practical difficulties".

Difficulties don't make something impossible, they just make it difficult. In some cases, the difficulties added together may, if we have other options, mean that the project never happens.

For example, in my own home we could spend $12,000 or so on solar PV for our roof, but we'd face the difficulty of coming up with $12,000 upfront. If there were no other alternatives, then we'd find a way. However, there is an alternative - our energy retailer offers to source our electricity from wind or solar if we agree to pay extra for each kWh. Like the rooftop, this is extra cost for us; but 5.5c/kWh more, or about $25 per quarter - this is a lot easier for us to handle than twelve grand upfront.

Both are viable alternatives, but one is very difficult, and the other relatively easy. Neither are impossible.

Your reading comprehension is poor because you're trying the old debating technique of reducing things to absurd extremes.

"I believe in the death penalty."
"What? So we should execute people for jaywalking?! Absurd!"
"I'm against the death penalty."
"What? So we should just let them all go?! Absurd!"

In this case,

"Space-based solar power had many practical difficulties."
"What? So you're saying it's impossible?! Absurd!"

By reducing your opponents' argument to absurdity you hope to discredit it without having to contend with anything they've actually said. When people say things you disagree with but they're not crazy or stupid, you have to think, to make an effort to counter them. If you can pretend what they say is crazy or stupid, that it's absurd, it makes things much easier on you.

If you're too lazy to read and respond to what was actually said, I cannot fault that - I have many things I'm lazy about. But then if you can't be bothered responding properly, just don't respond.

Just a further note on the "Gould orbits", each slot at GEO in the 1st Gould orbit has space for 6 solar satellites (circle of 100 km radius around the Clark orbit has a diameter of 628 km, allowing 6 positions with 100 km separation in that one slot). The 2nd Gould orbit 200 km above / below the Clark orbit has slots for 12 satellites at 100 km separation. So just the first and second Gould orbits provide slots for 18 geosynchronous satellites for each satellite slot in the Clark orbit, with the same safety separation margins. At lowest point, the orbit radius of the satellites in the 2nd Gould orbit would be 41,800 km compared to the orbit radius of the Clark orbit at 42,000 km. No real difference. Since Clarke orbit provides >2,600 slots at 100 km intervals, the 1st and 2nd Gould orbits provide 47,500 slots (all assuming 100 km separation).

BTW, current GEO satellites typically require about 42 m/sec deltaV / yr for stationkeeping (Lunar and Solar gravity much more significant than solar wind). Doubling that because of the greater ratio of solar wind exposure of these satellites might require 84 m/sec deltaV / yr. To insert a satellite in GEO orbit requires 8,600 (to LEO) + 3,800 (LEO to GEO) = 12,400 m/sec deltaV, so 20 yrs stationkeeping for an SPS satellite in GEO would require 84 x 20 = 1,680 m/sec deltaV, or about 13.5% of the launch deltaV. Given that stationkeeping deltaV is typically provided by small high-efficiency ion thrusters using electric energy to accelerate a very small amount of fuel to a very high velocity, the stationkeeping fuel load of an SPS for 20 years would be "in the range of" about 5% of the fuel used to launch the vehicle, not exactly a great killer. With several hundred of these on orbit, it would also definitely be in line to develop a robotic re-fueling system which could significantly reduce that 5% on initial launch.

Now that is a good, detailed and useful response - thank you.

As I said, none of these issues alone would kill any project. But together they're significant when set against simply building the thing on the ground.

I'd also note that steering the transmitter and mirror system of one of these satellites is quite easy to do efficiently. The trick is to exploit gravity stabilization and centripetal force. 4 small masses are tethered to the main satellite with 5 km per side loops of high-strength lightweight rope which pass through pulley's on the small masses. The 4 small masses are also tethered to each other in a 1.25 km diameter circle and set to slowly rotate about the central axis of the system, so they maintain a small tension on the tethers. The mylar reflector (0.05 mil film, 17.06 tons / sq km) is fastened to the 5 km rope loops at their midpoints, and small capstan winches on the main satellite can pull on the ropes to orient the reflector to suit any orientation of the satellite vs. the sun. A second 17 tons mylar reflector inboard of the first is arranges so it can provide indirect double reflected illumination to the satellite at times when the sun is too far behind the satellite system for the main reflector. It is a 1.42 km diameter circle of mylar with a 1 km diameter hole in the centre, also stabilized to a set of four small weights with rope loops, pulleys and capstan winches. Given solar cells illuminated at 500 suns, requires 2,000 sq meters solar cells, assume std. silicon at 1 mm thickness = 16 tons solar cells. Allow 100 tons for cooling systems, microwave xmitter, controls 20 tons for weights and ropes, 10 tons of carbon fiber struts across the mirrors maintain their slightly parabolic shape, total mass = 162 tons.

At $23 million launch cost / ton, total launch cost = $230 million. At perhaps 15% overall system efficiency, provides nearly continuous 195 MW. At $250 million for the solar cells + satellite manufacturing + receiver system, cost = $2,462 / kw. Very competitive with coal generating plants.

Thanks for trying to quantify the costs - it will be interesting to see if this can be done as cheaply as you claim...

Thanks. I'm certain that the cost of the first few would be much higher than I've estimated. [disclaimer mode]. Also not certain that one could find a suitable mylar film at 0.05 mil thickness. The lightest commercially available film I found was from Dupont at 0.5 mil thickness. eg. 10x mass / sq km. And not sure that only 10 tons of carbon fiber could maintain the required parabolic shape... Several other "finger crosses" in the calculation also. Still, fun to play with. A few sharp development by Elon Musk, or Rolls Royce Engines, could bring it all into VERY sharp commercial focus though. Even letting a single contract for a few hundred tons to GEO for the first few stations would/should bring the launch costs way down. For a hundred stations, peanuts.

Also, appears I've put an error in the "cost-to-orbit" calculation. 162 T at $23,000,000 / T = $3,726,000,000 NOT $230,000,000 (duh. I blame excel ;<) Total cost goes to $20,389 / kw, definitely NOT competitive with coal. So, much refinement required (though many refinement possibilities available).

BTW, the above mirror system I've termed the Tension Stabilized Steerable Orbiting Mirror, or TSSOM. The name and idea have been picked up in Wikipedia at Solar Mirror,

I mean, does the Earth really lack big empty spaces for us to build power stations in? Not Australia, that's for bloody sure.

Sorry, I can't see this big empty space you're talking about. The semi-desert and Spinifex is blocking my view. ;)


An RF (Radio Frequency) power generation system might have an electrical efficiency of 80%. In this case of a 200 MW transmitter, the power output would be 160 MW and the heat generated in the space based system would be 40 MW. This heat would have to be removed by radiation to space. I'll leave it to the thermo folks to calculate the heat rise. Earth based thermal power plants have large bodies of water available for this function.

80% is rather optimistics. Most of the time its 10%, 30% is rather efficient. Areciby need a 6 MW powerplant to outpout 1,5 MW.

Hi Yvan, Thanks for the reply. I agree that 80% is high but didn't want to be accused of being negative.
If you used RF (Radio Frequency)transistors at 100 W. per device, you would need 10 million devices to generate the required gigawatt. These transistors are the most unreliable of any semiconductor device. I estimate MTBF (system) at 2 seconds. These devices would probably be 20-30 % efficient.
I looked at klystrons (Varian - Communication and Power Industries)and see some S band (2.5 GHz) devices capable of 500 kW RF output. They were NASA developed for plasma studies. Efficiency is 50-60% but they require a 60 kV power supply to operate. High purity coolant or vapor cooling is a must. Not easy in space. The problem with vacuum tube devices is they need replacing every so often. The 2000 tube replacements would require a steady stream of supply ships.
The really tough problem is phase coherency of a degree or two would be required for pointing accuracy. This equates to a tenth of a millimeter stability (@ 2.5 GHz) across the kilometer wide structure. Some will claim that a million real time phase sensitive detectors and control loops will be provided. Noise in / noise out.
This is the perfect example of modern science where if it can be described by a systems guy on a computer, it must be doable. The authors and proponents should hire a few old time RF hardware engineers to do a reality check on this foolishness before publishing.

Agreed many of your issues. However, no beam coherence across "a kilometer wide structure" required. With 500:1 concentration, the collector / xmitter area is only 2,000 sq meters for a 1 km reflector. 45 meters square.

Also, by googling "magnetron efficiency" I found several offers of decent-size magnetrons at 75% DC-RF efficiency. (see eg your microwave oven). I also note a Korean company proposing to improve efficiency for specific applications by re-generating electricity with the thermal losses. (probably not worth it for this) However, I wouldn't doubt TOO strongly the initally offered 80%.


This Daewoo unit:

1050 watts RF out
1386 watts Anode + 33 watts filament in
Efficiency 73.996%

I've seen other sites offering industrial units (i think) eg. 100 kw in a 3 kg unit. For 195,000 kw that needs 2,000 x 3 = 6 tons. Adding 12 tons for spares + a 1 ton robot to service them, entirely do-able. Would need to check if the cooling mass budget provides sufficient for heat pipes at an acceptable temperature....

Totally nuts. Where are the EROEI true believers when you need them to shoot this down? Maybe I've been too successful in pointing out the fallacies of EROEI.

It's not worth getting into an EROEI analysis. Just the thought of wrapping up or letting go a shredded 1km^2 sheet is absurd.

So which is it? Do you think this technology will have actual EROEI problems, and hence, EROEI is truly worth considering, or have you so thoroughly debunked the very essence of the idea, that this only serves to perfectly illustrate the problem with the concept of EROEI?

As an EROEI True Believer, I would have to see the ACTUALS.. the actual number of launches, the durability of the materials in that environment, the need for maintenance, the unforseen environmental consequences (I personally fear that the Canada Geese would start trying to migrate into a GEO if this went through), the Actual ability to transmit and use the power that was collected.. and for how long..

as Dryki almost said, EROEI believers are probably too busy rolling their eyes or planting real seeds to spend much time on this.

Solaren technology is frought with technology design issues from beginning to end.

Read their patents.

Their concept in Geo is fictional science.

Their is a great design an American is working with Japan on that is superior
in everyway to this Solaren technology.

I'm tellin' ya: stratospheric dirigibles/balloons hauling a microwave transmitter and coated with thin-film PV. They fly above the weather, they're cheap to make, and they're easy to maintain.

If helium availability is an issue, design them to be self-heating hot-air style balloons.

If beamed solar power can work, this has to be a vastly cheaper solution than launching satellites.

Ack! Double post.

Putting the same money into conservation and distributed generation would be much better for the future coming at us.

Negawatts (wikipedia)
Distributed generation (wikipedia)

Why does "Conservation" and "Reduction" need any investment at all? Sounds like that would be the true waste of resources. Agreed with distributed generation, but that is ALREADY at a point where individual consumers should pay the full price. Just needs regulation and incumbent utilities to get out of the way.

As for a real investment project, agreed, society may have only one or two chances. I personally thing they should be a) solar thermal in deserts + Optical Rectenna PV. b) this system IF the numbers make any sense and trials prove out. (then put the microwave reciever fields overtop the solar thermal fields.)

Conservation doesn't just mean 'do half of what you used to do'. It often requires setting up for new (or renewed) ways of doing things. One of the key aspects would be how our homes are built. They are simply designed to require the wasting of tons of energy. Insulation/Weathersealing is a big Investment, and probably the most worthwhile one you could take on.

There is a strong tendency to believe that the only REAL investments are in new, big, miraculous Technologies that have really snazzy brochures and animations attached to them. Maybe that's why you see conservation that takes an actual effort or has a pricetag as something wasteful. If all the homes in the US simply had plain-jane solar hot water collectors, which are as boring as mud (yet somewhat comforting) to look at, we would be in a MUCH better place than we are today. Cleaner Air, cheaper Home Budgets, less imported/unearthed Gas and Oil.. We could go out into the park and play with our kids and their model rockets and so get all our Buck Rogers Yaya's out.

I'm not Anti-technology, or against researching various, possibly somewhat outlandish programs.. but I'm not as Starry-eyed as I once was. This one better have a decent set of Proof-of-concept trials that WAY outdo the Missile Interceptor program, for instance, before we lay US Tax $$ into an actual production system.

Bob, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Conservation should be managed by energy price. If people somewhere (certainly not in Canada where i live) are dumb enough to build homes without insulation and try to air-condition them, then the energy's too cheap. Just impose a tax on energy to force the conservation, and use the tax to build some solar plant (desert thermal, SSP, optical rectenna research) so you can buy out and dynamits the coal-burners.

What are you talking about? You're sidestepping your own point.

You wrote:
"Why does "Conservation" and "Reduction" need any investment at all?"

Even smart people in Canada who built their homes with SOME insulation could further reduce their energy expense by improving their homes performance in any great number of ways, and those would be dollars well invested. They would see a clear return.

Setting a higher tax or seeing another price hike on energy might well be a spur to that process, but it doesn't let your initial statement off the hook. Whether you do it today simply because you're smart enough to know that using less energy will cost you less in the long run, or you do it tomorrow when, 'voila!' a state program or a Saudi Production cut has finally reawakened you from a comfortable slumber; this opportunity to find, purchase or invent some better mousetraps that will lessen your need to buy energy and energy-rich products will take thought, planning, design (you can call on the art students for some of that..), materials, labor and financing to make much of it happen.

If you mean 'State Investment' in conservation, it still makes sense. Is that State going to have to respond when people are stranded in Energy Derived emergencies? When there are critical energy shortages that are challenging the public? Does it not behoove a City, County or State to have more of it's people more able to fend for themselves in heatwaves or icestorms? Sure it does, and that sort of investment pays for itself on an ongoing basis, unlike the emergency crews they'd have to hire from out of state to help bring food and fresh water, or resurrect powerlines, rebuild roads.

I'm not against the idea of increasing energy taxes, but it doesn't stand in for all the other ways we need to be setting up a more resilient and hardy lifestyle than what we have now.

a Saudi Production cut has finally reawakened you from a comfortable slumber;

I was about to get insulted by your puerile condescension, but then decided to read the "you" as royal. What's your title?


Yes, It was a Collective 'you'.. (We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune...)

but it was probably also puerile, as well. Sorry for the tone, my inner 'puer' is especially active this week.

Edit: unnecessary, not helpful.

Sorry if you saw the original.

Well actually I think this is the perfect project. Vast sums of money, development of new tech that doesn't exist, big attention getting rockets, probable involvement of the pentagon. Much better than the Hydrogen Economy. Demitri Orlov would be proud at America's ability to hasten collapse.


I may be having trouble with my irony filters - but I would say the "Hydrogen Economy" is a different sort of boondoggle, but it is a boondoggle as much as this solar idea. In case there is no irony intended, Hydrogen isn't a source of energy, it's a method of storage, and not a very good one at that - the problems with hydrogen have been discussed here at length, so no need for me to go over them again now.

I'd like to see some $ spent on feasability studies for the solar satellite idea, to generate real #'s we can look at - but I am fairly certain this thing will not get off the ground anytime soon (pun intended). The magnetic storm problem is very real (unexpected magnetic storms have killed billions of dollars worth of satellites - and will continue to do so). THe solar wind issue is very real as well. The expense of lofting the hardware into space and then maintaining it (both position and breakdowns) makes it unlikely to compete well with ground-based solar (especially with solar thermal and thin-film pv) - and in an era of declining resources, it seems like this is a VERY complex system with a very long supply chain, the exact opposite of robust systems we need for an energy (and $) constrained future.

What's the difference between endless boondoggles, rackets and stimulus plans? Criminal intent? Does anyone think that's missing?

It's a mark of sanity to have difficulty with the irony filters.

Meanwhile, orders for chix at the local farm supply store are closed - done - overbooked for months. Even the herd senses something wrong. Buy chicken feed futures. I'm redoing my flock plan based on what I can grow for my own feed. Mangles.

cfm in Gray, ME

Space-based solar shares the vulnerabilities of all centralized power generation and transmission systems to attack, sabotage, or space weather. The more centralized, the wider is the potential catastrophe, especially if recovery of gird requires months or years. (Larger, more specialized gear is harder to replace, etc.)

Security and resilience are to be found in distributed generation and a less centralized grid that can be broken up into smaller portions to facilitie management of disruptions and recovery from blackouts.

While enlarging the network may bring lower costs in the short- and medium-term, the risk is of greater catastrophe down the road. (Which you can ignore if your discount rate is high enough.)

What's wrong with my argument??

I'll second howleyj's argument above that a single failpoint for the cost is quite silly, but I'll add maintenance problems to the argument.

For me while i love the science fiction on this, I don't think the answer to large centralized power creating the largest most centralized power station ever made!

It's like saying the answer to the SUV is a Hummer the size of an aircraft carrier, and is pretty much the same psychological disorder with all technical solutions. This is not how to correct our way of life. We should be moving in the opposite direction, towards personal power; ground thermal, passive solar etc which on a personal level is plenty.

The safety factor just isn't there. We'd be a single metric to imperial math error or software glitch away from the microwaves missing the rectenna, thus frying Toronto (or where ever) in the process...

More importantly though, as we enter the Post Carbon Age, quite literally how would we send an orbiter to go fix it? All long term space projects are now over (sorry to burst your bubble). Even if it worked, it could never be repaired again.

If people want their Hummer in the sky, might as well go for the space elevator while we're at it, and avoid the whole transmission and transit problem together. Then humanity never needs to use rockets to reach orbit again, and can have a solar station at the tip. If it doesn't get pulverized by all the junk up there, then it'll work and we can save our fuel.

This would at least put our dwindling resources to theraputic use if all practical uses are beyond us now.

But if we spent those billions on changing how we live to begin with, we wouldn't even need the electricity generated by this system.

So, no, this isn't a solution. Just more evidence that we haven't a clue.

Ach! So many errors and misconceptions, so little time to (try to) straighten them out. Hardly know where to begin...

I can say with full confidence that the Solaren proposal -- at least as it has been reported recently -- is junk. But none of the comments so far have nailed the reason. Most reveal a good deal of ignorance about SSP, its problems, and its potentials.

Lets start with an easy one. Each square meter of collecting surface for a geosynchronous solar power satellite will produce about six times as much energy per day as a comparable collector in a "good" earthside location. Not because the sun is six times brighter in space; it's only about 35% brighter, as somebody already noted. But it's available at full normal incidence 24 hours a day -- except for brief periods of eclipse at times near the spring and fall equinoxes. A fixed collector on earth only sees full normal incidence for a brief period around noon. Nor is there any derating for dust that gathers on the collector surface between washings, or for cloud cover. So, ceteris paribus, a solar cell would pay back its manufacturing energy debt six times faster in GSO than at the best earthside locations. (Of course, in reality, the ceteris is not remotely paribus.)

The real problem with the idea of any near-term prototype SPS delivering 100 MW to an earthside rectenna is that it runs afoul of the laws of microwave optics. A 100 MW rectenna, if Solaren stuck to the 250 W/m2 maximum power density of the reference study and its 2.54 GHz transmission frequency, would have a diameter of about 1km. To put 90% of its radiated power into a 1 km circle at distance of 36,000 km, a 2.54 GHz transmitting antenna (12 cm wavelength) would need an aperture about 5 km across. And for reasons that I'm not about to get into here, that would have to be a true "filled" aperture. A synthetic aperture created from a handful of widely spaced transmitters won't work. There is no way in hell that anybody would be able to build a 5 km filled aperture transmitter in space from four comsat launches.

Of course, they could reduce the size of the transmitter a bit by going to a higher frequency power beam, but then they run into an assortment of difficulties. For one thing, it's hard to generate a higher frequency power beam with any degree of efficiency. And at the sort of frequencies that would be required to make a significant difference in the transmitting aperture, atmospheric attenuation becomes a problem.

In the long term, if we manage to survive, SPS could be a viable option for the world's electricity supply. It doesn't require any radical new technologies -- just 30 years or so of appropriate space infrastructure development. SPS will make sense if and when we build lunar colonies and achieve large scale manufacturing in space. Until then, it's a pipe dream.

Thanks for the perspective. Can you speak to the efficiencies of Microwave power transmission? I would like to hear more voices on that issue, as I have no idea of the losses involved.. not only in optics, but atmospheric interference and rectenna limitations.


it strikes me that a number of the people commenting on this story are not thinking seriously about the scale of a project like this. it is clearly not going to provide large quantities of cheap sustainable electrical energy and magically solve the energy crisis. that's obvious. if a utility wants to enhance its technological credentials by investing several millions in a technology like this, particularly in pd&g's market, one of the most tech-friendly societies on the planet, shouldn't that be a positive thing?

it will not help them meet their renewables requirement; but early positioning in a market like sbsp, potentially a hugely disruptive technology with obvious applications in the space sector, would seem to be a good bet. they will spend orders of magnitude more capital developing terrestrial solar power projects, including close-to-market r&d like hvdc.

projects like this prove concepts; later, they validate designs. if it can be compared to fusion, it's a sensible comparison in that the science is known to work. investment in blue-sky technology is sane and justified in any climate. would we have the renewable technologies that are already enabling distributed generation and a sustainable energy network without blue-sky investment in the 1950s and 60s? even now thin-film technologies, blue-sky in the 90s, are changing the rules of the game.

TL;DR this isn't a story about a 'technological solution to our energy needs', something that will take away from every individual's interest in maximising efficiency to minimise cost; it's speculative investment in a potentially disruptive technology.

it's speculative investment in a potentially disruptive technology

That's a good way of looking at it...

projects like this prove concepts; later, they validate designs. if it can be compared to fusion, it's a sensible comparison in that the science is known to work. investment in blue-sky technology is sane and justified in any climate. would we have the renewable technologies that are already enabling distributed generation and a sustainable energy network without blue-sky investment in the 1950s and 60s?


As far as I know... ITER is going to prove the technological feasibility of fusion... by using the deuterium-tritium route... while the boosters are actually touting the deuterium-deuterium route.

IE there are no "unlimited" supplies of tritium in the worlds oceans... that's why we need those Lithium blankets around the fusion reactors.

But there is still sunlight at the south pole... somtimes...

Thats the difference.

There's one thing I'm missing in the story and the comments so far. GSO is close to the outer Van Allen radiation belt and can sometimes be in it. Large numbers of high speed charged particles are not very friendly to thin sheet metal structures and reflective surfaces, as well as sheet type solar panels. This is already problematic in communication and weather satellites but they and their solar panels can be overdesigned. Not so with the flimsy structures which are needed for SBSP. Does anyone have any figures on how it influences the service life of SBSP satellites?